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Ms.Busy Bee: Atiya McGhee ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wheaton chapter.

This week’s campus celebrity is Atiya McGhee reppin’ the class of 2014. Atiya is a Posse scholar and an English major with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in Psychology. She works as the Residential Advisor for Clark 3rd and is an intern in training for the Multicultural Admissions Committee.  If she isn’t in Admissions or on her floor, you can find Atiya making her mark at Wheaton as a Preceptor for the “Through the Fire” First Year Seminar. Atiya is also a member of the outreach task force and secretary of SEA Board.  According to Atiya, “The outreach task force was created with the job of communicating with other Wheaton College clubs involved with the SEA Board this year. The goal is to connect with these groups and provide support for them, while also getting them more involved with on campus activities.”

The Early Bird Gets the Worm—Atiya wakes up at 7:30AM for her 8:30AM class most days of the week.  After pumping her brain, she gets a jump-start on all of her club responsibilities.  She explains, “This includes sending emails to my preceptees, professors, sea-board members, and scheduling appointments with groups on campus. I spend the majority of my evenings everyday sending out things and tons of scheduling. After all of this I still have homework to get to; not to mention I am also doing research for studying abroad, grad school, and posse related things. Yea, I am usually pretty busy.” 
When Atiya can step away from her planner, she relaxes with some Anime, music and a nice Indian dish. She also mentioned that she knows at least 50% of the campus by name alone (slightly scary); so if you see her around ask her if she knows your name, she just might surprise you! Keep it up girl!

Kenya is a spunky and outspoken senior at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts. Born and raised in Harlem, New York City, she's obsessed with the fast-paced noisy neighborhood she calls home. At Wheaton she's a Sociology major with a double minor in Studio Art and Journalism. She just wrapped up her summer internship at ESSENCE Magazine where she served as the Integrated Marketing intern. On campus Kenya works at the Marshall Center for Intercultural Learning, is a resident of the Feminist perspective house and is an advocate for diversity student programing. She spent her junior year abroad in Sydney, Australia and vows to return. Kenya has an extreme love for ketchup and dreams of working in magazine publishing. She can't wait to lauch HerCampus Wheaton!