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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.


She’s already caught the attention of (at least) one certain celeb, but you’ll probably be the one fan-girling over her game on the ‘gram. She’s also hilarious, and one of the nicest girls you could imagine (just don’t don’t touch her food). Here’s 20 Questions with this week’s Campus Cutie: Brooke Lawrie. 


Age: 20 

Program: MIT 

Hometown: Burlington

Relationship Status: Taken 


1. Are you into any sports or hobbies?  

I like tennis and volleyball, and play Sims and Rollercoaster Tycoon when I’m not watching Netflix. 


2. What was your costume(s) for halloween? 

A cat and a bunny… about as basic as it gets. 


3. What was the last picture you took on your phone?

A frozen steak that I sent to my mom asking how to defrost it lol.


4. What’s your favourite song/artist at the moment? 

Sorry but the Biebs has definitely been on repeat the last couple days.


5. Favourite member of One Direction? 

Harry Styles ever since he blew me a kiss at his concert that no one seems to remember. IT HAPPENED.*


*I can vouch for this because I was there, and it still makes me emotional to this day.


6. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

I’ve always wanted to stay in those elevated tiki huts overlooking the crystal clear water in Bora Bora.


7. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?  

I’ve been begging my parents to get a dog my whole life and they finally got one. Howie is a 2-pound Morkie (Half Yorkie, Half Maltese). SO CUTE!! 


8. What’s your biggest pet peeve? 

When people ask if they can have some of your food. 


9. How would you describe yourself in three words? 

Mean when hungry.


10. Describe the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? 

I pretty much embarrass myself on a daily basis. I am a clumsy person to say the least. 


11. Best memory at university? 

Meeting new friends.


12. Favourite drunk munchie? 

SMOKES POUTINE because of the cheese curds… and gravy.


13. Favourite place on campus?

The Spoke or the hill on a nice day.


14. Who’s your biggest celebrity crush? 

After watching Grey’s I now love McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey). I also love the Jenner sisters because of their style and Kylie’s crazy outgoing attitude.


15. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you most superstitious about?I’m not superstitious or believe in things like ghosts but I close my closet door before bed…. always nervous about random noises and shadows.


16. Describe your dream career: 

Making movies in LA.


17 .What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on? 

I loved sight seeing around Italy but my all time favourite place to travel to is the Bahamas. 


18. Pick an app: Snapchat or Instagram? 



19. Favourite genre of movie, and favourite movie of all time?

For favourite genre, I would have to say rom com because I love to cry during movies. My favourite movie is Titanic… it’s an all-time classic and sappy love story. I also love watching sci-fi movies and TV shows too: Star Trek, Black Mirror, The Twilight Zone. 


20. Who would play you in a movie of your life?Mindy Kaling.

Serena Marotta is in her fourth year of Media, Information and Technoculture at the University of Western Ontario. She is currently a writer for Lush Luxury Magazine, where her overwhelming passion for ridiculously priced clothing and travel is finally paying off. She is looking forward to starting an internship as a weekly lifestyle and fashion contributor for the online retailer Buygoon this year. Serena loves to explore and write about the “behind the scenes” aspect of the fashion, culture and lifestyle industries, yet hopes to pursue a career in investigative journalism on more serious topics like mental health and crime. She is thrilled to a be a new member of the Her Campus team!
Kellie Anderson is incredibly proud and excited to be Western Ontario's Campus Correspondent for the 2015-2016 year. She is currently in her fourth year of Media Information & Technoculture, and has an overflowing passion for creative writing. While Kellie loves to get wildly creative while writing fictional short stories, she has found that her true passion is in shedding light towards hard-hitting topics like Mental Illness - she believes that writing is the best healer. Kellie has some pretty BIG plans for her future and can't wait to graduate as a Her Campus Alumni! You can contact her at kellieanderson@hercampus.com.