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10 Things I’d Rather Be Doing Than Studying For Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

I don’t know what it is about finals week that sparks some weird obsession with dusting all the baseboards in my house but, alas, I guess I really will do anything to avoid studying. As we throw ourselves head-first into this death-of-all-will-to-live week of stress, hand cramps and migraines, I have compiled a list of everything I have done thus far EXCEPT study for my exam tomorrow morning.


1. Eat my weight in cheap Christmas chocolate

We all know the Freshman Fifteen is gained exclusively in December.


2. “Accidentally” take an 8-hour nap

What year is it again?


3. Calculate my grade average pre-exam

If I’m currently getting an 87%, can I just skip studying altogether?


4. Prepare all my study materials just to stare at them blankly for half an hour


It still counts if I look like I’m studying… right?


5. Contemplate every single life choice I have ever made

Because is this all really worth it?


6. Watch every single Christmas movie on Netflix

Even the cheesy ones… would not recommend.


7. Have multiple mental breakdowns per day

Even though the solution to literally everything is just to study.


8. Binge the entire Sex and the City collection for the 38492th time

I don’t need to study… I can just live out my life goals vicariously through Carrie Bradshaw.


9. Copy out one chapter of lecture notes then reward myself with a day-long break

It’s a miracle I did that much, honestly.


10.  Literally anything…


Charlotte recently graduated from an Honors BA in English Literature, and is returning to Western as a Graduate Student studying for her Master of Media in Journalism and Communication. Catch Charlotte as the Senior Editor of the Her Campus Western chapter. 
This is the contributor account for Her Campus Western.