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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

In today’s world, makeup represents much more than what it was originally intended for. Where once it was meant to enhance natural features and cover up minor flaws, it’s now a source of creativity and self-expression. Women in particular often experience conflict as a result of being expected to wear makeup: to fit in, feel beautiful, and listen to what the world tells them, or to show their true selves and risk being looked at with disdain.

There’s a lot to consider when giving up makeup much more than most would expect. If you’re on the fence about giving up makeup, it’s beneficial to think ahead and anticipate what might happen. Below is a list of the pros and cons of giving up makeup that can help you come to a conclusion about how or if you should do it.


Clear skin

Makeup is known to clog the pores. Pores are responsible for releasing oil and sweat from the skin; because makeup sits on top of the skin for prolonged periods of time, it blocks the oils and sweat from being released. This causes the dirt, oils, and sweat  to be trapped in the pores, blocked  causing dirt buildup, which causes acne. When you stop wearing makeup, this entire process is put to a stop. Your pores will no longer be blocked, allowing them to serve their purpose uninterrupted and minimizing the amount of acne on your face, if not stopping it altogether.

Self Confidence

It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that most people wear makeup to cover up features they’re insecure about. Being bare-faced forces you to see your natural, unaltered face every day.  It  can help you get used to your natural appearance. Being able to see yourself can help you embrace your features and appreciate them as they are instead of hiding them.

It Saves Money

Makeup is an investment and not a cheap one at that. Even the cheapest drugstore makeup runs out eventually, prompting you to buy it again. With so many brands catering to consumerist culture, the array of new, exciting products is endless. When you stop wearing makeup, you stop buying it, saving yourself a boatload of money you could be spending elsewhere.

It Saves Time

A 2014 study reported that, on average, women spend about 55 minutes a day on their appearance. That’s almost an entire hour you could be spending on something else, instead of  covering up parts of your face. Abstaining from makeup is a great time-saver that will give you the freedom to do other, more important tasks.



From experience, the biggest judges of makeup-free women tend to be other women. Be prepared for friends and family members (even strangers, from time to time) to question your decision. They might even tell you that you’d look great with just a bit of mascara or lipstick


You may feel awkward being bare-faced at first, especially if you wear makeup to cover features you’re insecure about. Letting the world see what you’ve been so afraid of showing off is certainly daunting; but it’s an important step towards accepting your natural appearance.

Social Norms

Wearing makeup is a social norm in many, many places. Choosing not to wear it is even seen as a form of rebellion by some. In a way, it is rebellion against social pressure, unfair expectations towards women, and the forces that profit off of people’s insecurities.  On the other hand, it’s also seen as an attempt to be different and unique. Some people claim that women who don’t wear makeup are trying to be “pick-mes”, but that’s just more judgment.


Many people wear makeup not just for beauty reasons, but as a form of self-expression. By doing your makeup in a way that matches your style, it can be as much for fun as it is for appearance’s sake.  Whether you wear it dark and striking or bright and colorful, you are expressing yourself. If you decide to give up on it, it may feel like abandoning some part of yourself that you wanted to show off to the world. BUT considering the benefits and knowing that you can be yourself without makeup can help you decide what choice to make.

Alex Share

West Chester

Alex Share is a student at West Chester University.