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Keeping Your Mind Active During Quarantine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

With classes just starting up in the midst of what should be a time of social distancing and self-quarantining, we might all be facing procrastination-itis. It can be easy to pass the time by binge-watching and lounging all day but now that classes are beginning to pick back up, it’s going to be increasingly important to be productive throughout the day so you can get through the rest of the semester in one piece. Keeping your mind active and going is extremely important, even in quarantine. Here are a few ways to help you make that happen.

1. Make a To-Do List.

This one is probably the most important; if you take anything away from this article, please take this. When you make a to-do list it ensures that you are aware of all the things you need to accomplish that day. A to-do list will motivate you to meet deadlines and achieve goals. So, sit down for 10-15 minutes in the morning, maybe while having breakfast or a cup of coffee, and make your to-do list. 

2. Develop a Routine.

When developing a routine, I would recommend three things: wake up at the same time every day, leave scheduled class time for classwork, and leave room for something you enjoy doing. So, let’s go over those.

Emily Veith

Waking up: If you get up at the same time every morning it will help your body build a sleep schedule and thus help you sleep better at night. Sleeping in will only make it harder to fall asleep which makes for a restless night. Also, this is not an invitation to wake at 11:00 am every day. Start your day bright and early; you’ll get more done.

Class Time: Now that we’re online, some professors are having online lectures via Zoom, but some are just leaving us assignments or previously recorded lectures. Either way, set that scheduled class time aside. If you have a live lecture, then that’s what you’ll be doing. If not, then that is the time to get done any assignments for that class. Don’t see it as free time, that’s how you get behind. Act as if you were still on campus and you had to show up for an in-class assignment.

Hobbies: You always want to leave time in your day for something you love to do. Painting, reading, dancing, or other hobbies help you let go of any stress that you’re holding on to and help keep you happy. And from a psychology major to you, happiness is good for your health; but I’m sure you knew that. 

3. Get Organized.

For this I would recommend, if you don’t already have one, to get a planner. Then, put all assignment due dates into your planner two days before the actual due date so when you’re looking over it, you’ll have set aside more than enough time to do the assignments. This will help you prevent rushing to get something done and turning in any late assignments.

Silver macbook by planner and flowers
Pexels / Alana Sousa

4. Get Dressed.

Get dressed when you wake up like it was any other day and you had somewhere to go. Getting ready in the morning will set a precedent that you have things to get done, whether you’re leaving the house or not. It’s good to get out your pajamas, it makes you less likely to get back in bed and get distracted or fall back asleep. Plus, looking nice is always a confidence booster and it’s just another motivator for progress.

clothes hanging on a white rack
Photo by Micheile Henderson from Unsplash

These are just a few positive ways to make the most of quarantined life while having to finish classes online. It’s not an ideal situation, as we’ve heard through every single email we’ve gotten since campus closed, but if you make the most of it, only good and positive new habits can come out of this. Be proactive and control this situation, don’t let it control you. Many of us don’t have ideal living situations but spend some time planning and see what you can come up with. I know it’s hard, I struggle to find a quiet place in my own home, but we’ll get through it together. Good luck!


I love the positivity in this article! I just changed the title and added a sentence to relate as I told you over GroupMe. Other than that, no changes need to be made! 

West Chester University '23 Psychology and Languages and Cultures Double Major Latina Writer from Philly Bookworm, Multimedia Artist, Theatre Enthusiast, Avid TV Show Binge Watcher
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