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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Some of us are getting around that time in our lives where job hunting is becoming a part of our everyday life routine. With that being said oftentimes, we apply to many different companies not even knowing whether the company we are applying for is a good fit for us in the first place. We get so caught up with the whole idea of having to find a job right after college, that we lose sight of the importance of finding a company that works for you.

Why is that important you may ask? It is extremely important because you could potentially end up working for a company that has the complete opposite values as you do if you aren’t careful. Not to mention, we all want to work for a company that we enjoy being a part of. We have all heard the saying that says that if you like what you do, you won’t feel like you are working a day in your life. Finding the right company plays a role in that.

There are a variety of different ways in which you could find out whether the potential organization you will be working for is a good fit for you. For starters, researching the company is a great way to find out what exactly the company does. Secondly, I would read their mission statement. Their mission statement is usually a one to two-sentence phrase that gives the reader a general idea of what the company is all about. Another thing I would do is also read over their core values. Most companies have a page full of what their core values are and what the culture inside of their establishment is usually like. Lastly, google is a bottomless pit of information, so furthering your research into customer reviews, employee reviews, etc. is also a great way to get an understanding of how people that have already come across this organization feel.  

Once you have researched all of these pieces of information, I guarantee you, you will have a much better idea of the type of company you want to work for in the future; saving you an immense amount of time. We all know how tedious some job applications are so wouldn’t you feel better saving the time of applying to a company that later on you won’t like? Follow the steps above and I guarantee you, both you and your future employer will work in harmony knowing that you both were a great fit for each other. 

"You Got This" sign with iPhone next to it
Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels

Alessandra Russo

West Chester '21

My name is Alessandra Russo. I am a graduating senior from West Chester University, with an expected Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and Spanish. Currently involved in two organizations at West Chester University which include Wescon; a marketing consulting group and being the Public Event Coordinator, Content Moderator, and Writer for Her Campus. I absolutely love being a part of Her Campus and everything this group stands for. Not only did I get to meet amazing women that empower each other but I am also gaining new experiences on a day-to-day basis thanks to the powerful people I work with.
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