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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

With the way 2020 has been going, it may have felt like every planet in the solar system was in a state of retrograde. We’ve dealt with a national pandemic, numerous hurricanes, a tumultuous election cycle, and new technology frustrations as we work from home. With only a few months left to go in the year, Mercury will look like it’s moving in reverse. The last thing we need is to deal with the complications a Mercury Retrograde can bring. What does it even mean for us anyways? Why do I see this term all over Twitter every few months? Don’t panic just yet, let’s break it down. 

    A retrograde motion is when a planet appears to be moving backwards when observing the planet from Earth. Time Magazine notes that this is simply an illusion due to differences in orbit. The planet itself isn’t actually moving backwards, it just appears it is compared to the Earth. Mercury is the fastest moving planet in the solar system, which is why it enters these retrograde periods more often than other planets. And it may be why you seem to see the phrase “Mercury Retrograde” trending so often. Prepare to see it soon, as Mercury enters retrograde on October 13th.

    Now it’s time for a quick lesson in astrology. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, thinking, timing, and technology. After all, it is named after the Roman messenger god. Mercury helps us transmit messages, including how we speak and receive messages. It controls the way we see, hear, and understand information. “It has been said that Mercury makes life understandable, for it is the planet of intelligence,” stated Joanna Martine Woolfolk, author of The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need.

woman sitting at laptop
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Any communication major will tell you how important the decoding portion is of communication. It is where the receiver makes sense of the message. Mercury retrograde affects this process and we need to be extra careful with our wording to prevent any conflicts. During this time, that extra period onto a text can be read as something more aggressive than just the end of the sentence. Triple check that important email to your professor or text message to your significant other in an argument. Make your sure intentions are as clear as possible.

    As if we weren’t dealing with enough technology issues already, people can expect servers or software to crash or stop working entirely during this period. Prepare for any potential issues with your Zoom meetings or make sure to back up your cell phone just in case of any issues. While these conflicts often cause anxiety or panic over what could go wrong, use this information to prepare but also have patience if things go awry. 

    Now that we understand the basics of what this means, let’s look at it in combination with the zodiac sign that Mercury finds itself in during its retrograde — Scorpio. The zodiac sign of Scorpio is one of the three water signs, which often means accompanied by emotional clarity. You may feel more inclined to dig for information to reach an understanding to gain a better sense of a situation. Scorpio is known to be the sign of secrets, so it makes sense to take a deeper look to gain perspective during this time. It is also known as the sign of death and rebirth, which promotes new beginnings. However, during a retrograde period in Scorpio, it’s encouraged to take careful consideration of any large life changes during this time.

woman sitting alone looking out window
Photo by Anthony Tran from Unsplash

    Mercury retrograde in Scorpio may bring about a period of nostalgia and emotion (yes, more emotions than usual as if we aren’t dealing with enough of those already). You may feel compelled to evaluate your life as a whole and examine if you feel happy with your job, relationships, or university. It is easy to fall into an obsessive pattern during this time, especially when life has felt like it is at a standstill over the course of 2020. Periods of reflection can be beneficial, but do not be too hard on yourself.

    It is worth nothing that Mercury stations out of retrograde on November 3rd aka Election Day. A day where national communication is at its highest level of importance. While Mercury may appear to be moving in its usual direction again, its effects still linger within the post-retrograde shadow. We all know this election year has been unlike any other in our lifetime and we can only hope Mercury plays nice. Take a deep breath everyone. Mercury retrograde won’t last forever.


Aimee Padley

West Chester '21

Aimee Padley is a senior at West Chester University studying Media & Culture with minors in journalism and Spanish. When she's not writing, she can be found trying to cook or spending time with family. Lover of travel, reality TV shows, and her planner. Post-grad, she hopes to find a job in public relations or journalism.
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