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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

I’ve always been that “mom” friend that is constantly reminding my friends to drink water. It’s so important to drink water, but we don’t drink nearly enough! If my constant pushing to drink water isn’t enough, here are some health benefits to drinking water:


  • It helps with your mood and overall happiness

         If you’re feeling down and you don’t really know why, it could simply be that you need to drink more water. Water regulates your body, including chemical balances. If you’re not drinking water, you can actually throw these balances off

  • It gives you energy

        Your body literally NEEDS water to function. If you’re not giving your body what it needs, it’s going to have to work harder to find other resources of energy. This can really tire you out, so give your body what it needs.

  • It flushes out toxins

        Drinking water flushes out toxins that can be harmful to your body. That’s why it’s emphasized to drink water when you’re sick because it helps your body get rid of the bacteria that’s making you sick. If you drink water regularly, you can avoid sickness, to begin with.

  • It boosts your skin and natural beauty

        As water flushes toxins out of your body it also keeps toxins out of your pores too! Can’t figure out how to get that clear skin you’ve been wanting? Just drink water.

  • It doesn’t hurt!

        It’s nearly impossible to drink an unhealthy amount of water, so go for it! Water nourishes your body in and out, so have at it!


Hydrate or die-drate. Drink water until your pee is clear… that’s an accomplishment, sista!

  Kaylen, a Campus Correspondent for HC at Wells, is a senior at Wells College studying Women's and Gender Studies and Psychology.  "Like Ivy, we grew where there was room for us"-Miranda July
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