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Coffee Beans Bag
Coffee Beans Bag
Keriss101 / Spoon
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

Can I ask you over for tea?

Coffee perhaps?

We can talk about

The Weather 

Your Day

Your Aspirations

The Moon

The Stars

The World

My Never-Ending Love for You?


A love I shouldn’t pursue

A love 

I should shove down

Lock away

Hide in the dark



Like everything else I’m unsure of

Play it safe

Going with something Good,

Not Great


Not Excitement

Not daring to leap forward 

Into what could be

A puddle of mud.

Turned into a sparkling spring water 


By my thoughts and fantasies

Never will I jump.



Unlocking the door

Letting you in


How are you? 

How’s the weather?

I hope the coffee is fine.


   Amy is a student at Wells college. She is currently working on her double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice, along with a minor in History. In addition to writing, she likes acting, reading, drawing, watching movies, and playing with cats. Coffee is her lifesource. Hugs are her favorite. She loves being on the Her Campus team at Wells, and enjoys working and being surrounded by such kind and strong people!