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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.



I know things seem scary, and that they don’t seem like they’re getting better.

But there is proof that life does go on in times of crisis.

Here are some positive things happening in the world right now that prove that the world will still go on when this is over.


 China is getting back to work.

 China was, for a time, the worst-hit nation by COVID-19. As of today, no new cases have been reported and their country is slowly getting back to work. 


 The Canals of Venice are clear.

For the first time in years, the water in the Venice canals is clear due to a lack of boat traffic. Nature has started reclaiming them. Dolphins, swans, and other wildlife are being seen in the canals for the first time in forever.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/International/venice-canals-clear-fish-coronavirus-halts-tourism-city/story?id=69662690

Quarantine Concerts

In Italy people are making the most of their social distancing and having concerts from their balconies, creating entire streets filled with nothing but music. 

Source: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/video-dept/the-italians-making-music-on-balconies-under-coronavirus-quarantine

Communities are Coming Together

As more and more people are being affected, the communal responses are becoming increasingly heartwarming. People going out and buying groceries for those at risk, helping tutor kids, you name it. There is still good left in the world.

Source: https://www.womansday.com/life/inspirational-stories/a31668524/coronavirus-acts-of-kindness/

Animal Crossing New Horizons Is Out

We’ve all been waiting, and here it is. Need I even say more?

Buy it here! https://animal-crossing.com/new-horizons/?cid=N1043-01:ch=pdpd&sid=1105

I know it all seems scary, but we can get through it. The world is healing, we’ll get there too.

Sabrina is a first year, Chemistry major at Wells College. They are a first generation college student with a serious passion for equality, sustainability, and all things art.
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