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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wells chapter.

I’ve realized that being in college isn’t going to guarantee that you’re going to make friends quickly. Life is not what Disney made it out to be. So here are some tips if you’re making it through this semester alone:

  • Make a schedule

  • Read a book

  • Search Youtube for cool videos and blogs

  • Go to the Mall

  • Make cupcakes

  • Watch Netflix (binge-watching Parks and Recreation)

  • Stop procrastinating (but if you are, time how many hours you’re putting off)

  • Do some online shopping

  • Have a spa day (do your hair, put on a face mask, paint your nails, listen to music)

  • Go to the movies

These are just my personal tips for how I stay sane and am able to get through college alone. In a way, it is helping me prepare for the real world and everything that it entails. Taking care of yourself is a basic level priority and everyone should do at least one of these every day.

Arielle Canate is a junior at Wells College. She loves anthropology, American Horror Story, films and books. Hobbies include: Mythology (any one), Marvel comics, music, and makeup
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