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Sweeter Than Cinnamon Hearts: Eric Stratigakis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Name: Eric Stratigakis

Program & Year: 1B Biochemistry Co-op

Hometown: Woodbridge, Ontario  

Relationship Status: Taken

On top of the Eiffel tower! #relationshipgoals

What’s your secret magic power? My ability to sympathize with others, or empathize? I don’t know which word it would be. (What a sweetheart)

What made you choose Waterloo? The really good co-op program and yeah, basically..I just love the area up here, there’s a lot of things geared towards students.

If money didn’t matter, what would you want as a job? I guess I’d want to play music or be a song writer. Then again, without the struggle of money and surviving there would be no motivation to write songs…

Idea of a perfect date? The perfect date would be to go out skiing during the day followed by a nice dinner afterwards and then maybe a movie. (The outdoors + food + cozy movie? Sounds perfect!)

Tell us about your cultural background: I’m half Greek and half Italian and I don’t think I have a preference as to which side I like more. The food is awesome on both sides.

Are you more of a videogames or board games type of guy? Definitely board games. My current favourite board game would be Resistance. (The guy owns a ton of board games, trust me).

Your favourite dish/best dish you can cook? I like barbecuing chicken or ribs – any meat really. I also love sautéing vegetables. The two taste great together!  

Most embarrassing date? We were at the movies, I thought my soda was on my left hand side but it was actually on my right hand side. So I reached over to my left hand side and grabbed some lady’s soda and I just downed it. She was on a date with some other guy too, it was so awkward. (We feel for ya Eric)

Biggest regret from last term: Missing more classes than I should have. (You’re not alone..)

You and your girlfriend seem to be perfect for one another…what advice would you give to girls who are having trouble finding Mr. Right? Stop looking too hard and just let life happen. The more you look, the more your minds will play tricks on you.

Hey, everyone! I'm an Honours Science student at the University of Waterloo who also happens to enjoy creative writing. Cheesecake, cheesy jokes, volleyball and cheerleading are just some of the many things that can bring a smile to my face. Criminal Minds and Modern Family are my go-to, binge worthy shows, but I also enjoy spending my time with loved ones on spontaneous adventures. I love meeting new people and am honoured to be able to write and share for HerCampus!
I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!