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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Are you in first year and about to head into your first exam period of university? Are you an upper year student that’s looking for some new tips and tricks? Look no further, you’ve come to the right article! This article will walk you through a few things I wish I’d learned earlier in my university career.


Take Care of Yourself

I would say this is one of the most important aspects of prepping for an exam because you can’t study effectively if you’re burnt out and exhausted. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, keep hydrated (with water, not just coffee), and make sure you’re eating properly.



When Studying Make Yourself Comfortable… but Not too Comfortable

Make sure that you’re in a position to study comfortably because let’s be serious, you’re probably going to be there for a while. Know what works for you and roll with it. Some study locations that work for me include a kitchen table, the library, and a coffee shop. The idea is to really optimize productivity and to study effectively.




As I said before, you want to find a study location that will allow you to study effectively and to be productive. Sitting in front of the TV watching movies or shows will not only prevent you from studying effectively by causing distraction, but it might prevent you from studying at all.


Take Breaks While Studying

You’ve probably heard the phrase “quality over quantity” before, well the same holds true for studying. If you are trying to force yourself to study when you’re half asleep then maybe it’s time to take a break. Whether you go for a walk with a friend, reward yourself with an episode of your favourite show, or just taking some time to breathe, you’ll come back refreshed and ready to hit the books.


Look at What You Need to Accomplish and Plan When You’ll Do It

It can sound pretty intimidating to look at the content for the entire term for each of your classes but this is the unfortunate reality of exam season. When I’m creating my study plan/schedule, I like to incorporate to-do lists because it provides a visual aid for what I actually need to do. I’ll usually make one for outlining each task I need to complete for every class and then from there I’ll try to make a realistic list of the goals I’d like to accomplish each particular week. It can be very satisfying to cross the items off your list.

Pro Tip: for most exams, there is usually a weighting difference (especially if you’ve had 1+ midterms) so re-check your syllabus or ask your prof what the weighting will be (e.g. 70% of the exam could be post-midterm material) and that way you can try to focus your time on the concepts from those lectures.


Use the Right Tools

Make sure you’re making full use of the resources available to you. If you enjoy making pretty notes and it helps you retain the information you’re making – do it! If you study better by writing out your notes, that’s what you should do (same applies for typing out notes). Use sticky notes, pretty highlighters, pens and pencils, whatever works for you!

Disclaimer: try not to procrastinate by making pretty notes.


Stop Saying “I’ll Do It Tomorrow”

Today is the new tomorrow. By pushing everything off until the next day, you’ll be creating a mountain of tasks that you need to get through thereby making everything that much more difficult for yourself. When people say “I’ll do it tomorrow”, more often than not they won’t end up doing it. If you’ve made a study plan/schedule, remain accountable for it and stick with it, you won’t regret it!


Believe in Yourself

You can do this! You are here, studying in university, away from home for an extended period for the first time; you’ve already accomplished so much at a young age. Think positive thoughts. If you believe that you can do it, you’ll be able to tackle anything that comes your way. Every exam period you pass is one term closer to getting that really expensive piece of paper.

Aurora is a fourth year Honours Science student minoring in both Biology and Human Resources Managment. She is a self proclaimed Netflix enthusiast and is obsessed with her dog.
I'm a fourth year student at the University of Waterloo currently enrolled in the Global Business & Digital Arts program. I have a passion for UX, social media, writing, marketing and networking!