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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Hey UWaterloo friends, It’s crazy how another term flew by already huh?

Though I have to say, this term hasn’t been the best for me, or likely for the majority of 3A Arts & Business students. It’s been a term of both hard classes and a rough job-hunting season. While most students can handle issues arising in one aspect of their lives fairly well between academics or co-op, it’s a challenge for many of us to juggle between the problems that arise from both sides at the same time.

To those of you who have successfully been able to balance your social life, academic life, and career, I say congratulations for making it this far. And to those of you still struggling to make life work, keep swimming, you’ll find light at the end of the dark tunnel soon.

Although my previous terms here have been challenging in their own aspects, this was the first term in which my average probably won’t be in the high-70s to low-80s, and the first time that I’ve had to change sequences due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred late in the term.

So personally, this term has been filled with bad luck and downfalls, but I am grateful that I’ve developed a higher stress tolerance level, and that I’ve learned to focus on solving problems rather than going into an immediate panic attack. For anyone else out there who’s had a tough term, all I can say is, I know times may seem tough now, but they will get better in the future, and someday you will be able to see where the light begins again. I’ve had a tough year so far, but I’ve been able to pull through so far, and so will you.


Just keep swimming and you’ll make it through.

Insert biography here.
I enjoy naps, cake and sarcasm. Besides that I'm in Honours Science at the University of Waterloo!