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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

There are so many different types of contraceptive methods; to name a few, you can use a condom, the pill, an IUD, a contraceptive ring, or a diaphragm. Some of these significantly lower the risk of pregnancy, prevent the transfer of sexually transmitted infections, or help control menstruation, and some do all three. It depends on your body type, partner, and preference as to which works best for you. Some of these methods can also be combined for maximum protection. 

There are two different types of IUDs: copper and hormonal. The copper one can cause more bleeding, but they really help steer the sperm away. The hormonal IUD comes in four different forms: Kyleena, Mirena, Liletta, and Skyla. These are geared to help reduce menstrual pain.

I started using condoms and the pill, and after a while, the pill no longer helped with my cramps, and I started having major mood swings. So I switched to the IUD. My experience has been great, and it has been by far the easiest option for me. Here are 6 reasons why you should get an IUD:

copper intrauterine device
Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition from Unsplash


An IUD is more than 99% effective, meaning that it’s one of the most reliable and effective methods. It’s more effective than the pill, which can vary in effectiveness; when used perfectly, birth control is typically 90-100% effective. It’s important to note that IUDs work wonders for preventing pregnancy, but unfortunately they don’t protect against STIs. 


Unlike the pill, you don’t have to remember to take it or bring it with you. Another bonus: the IUD can’t break; it can get knocked out of place, but that’s rare and that typically only happens in the first few months. It can’t expire or get used wrong, like the condom. Not only that, but it’s a seven-minute procedure, and you can forget about it after that.

Reduced menstrual flow and pain

Many doctors prescribe the IUD (specifically the hormonal one) to help reduce menstrual pain. They help reduce and eliminate the cramps that come with your period. Many women have found that within 6 months to a year of getting the IUD inserted, their flow has lessened or completely stopped.

Emergency contraception

Fun fact: if you had unprotected sex or a mishap occurred, get the copper IUD put in within five days and it’s 99% effective as an emergency contraceptive! Now that’s magic.

Decreased ovarian cancer risk

Research shows that IUDs have been associated with a decreased risk of ovarian cancer.

Fewer side effects

Since the hormonal IUD doesn’t contain estrogen and has significantly less progesterone, this can eliminate many of the common side effects that come with oral contraceptives, such as nausea and bloating.

I hope that after learning about all the pros that go along with IUDs, you’ll be tempted to do some research of your own and either make the switch or at least consider it. There’s a reason why they’re the most popular choice of female health providers!  

Hey! I'm a third-year honours arts student at the University of Waterloo! I major in English with a Digital Arts Communication minor and a tech writing specialization! Oh, and I also write for HC Waterloo! I'm an avid reader (go Gryffindor), obsessed with friends and gilmore girls, and a plant connoisseur!