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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Coming from Hawai’i, I spend the majority of my time in Seattle craving warmer weather. With that being said, I look forward to spring quarter more than any other. Spring in Seattle truly makes up for the rainy days and gray winters. When I think of a Seattle spring, I picture the cherry blossoms in the Quad, picnics on Denny Field, and lake days at the cut. Here’s how you can make the most of a Seattle spring. 

1. go outside whenever you can

My number one tip to making the most of spring here is to be open to changing your plans. If you see that it’s sunny outside, move your dinner plans to a spot outdoors. If you were planning to study in the library, find a quiet place in the Quad or near the fountain instead. Make the most of the beautiful weather by adding time outdoors to your daily routine. 

2. Check out local farmers markets

There are plenty of farmers markets flourishing in Seattle. You can keep the trip brief and convenient by swinging by the U-District Farmers Market that occurs every Saturday. Or you can take a quick bus ride and hang out at the South Lake Union Saturday Market or the Capitol Hill Farmers Market on Sundays. These markets are a great place to pick up produce, find flowers to spruce up your dorm or apartment, or simply try new food.

3. Plan a lake day

Lake days are something I had never experienced before coming to Seattle, but something that has become such a valued part of my UW experience. Some of my favorite college memories include my birthday party at the cut, picnicking with friends by the waterfront, and jumping into the cold water to impress a crush. Lounging by the water with a book in hand is my ideal spring afternoon.

4. Play tourist

Having a “tourist” day in Seattle when the sun is out is all the more fun. Swing by Pike Place to pick up peonies or tulips or take a day trip to Bainbridge Island for good eats and lovely views. Playing tourist always helps me appreciate the beauty of this place a bit more. 

Springtime is what truly allowed me to fall in love with this city and begin to think of it as a second home. There’s no place like Seattle in the springtime!

Koren Kano

Washington '26

Koren is a Contributing Editor at HCUW this year. She is a sophomore majoring in Psychology and minoring in Law, Societies, & Justice at the UW. She is from Honolulu, Hawai'i and enjoys spending time outdoors on hikes or at the beach. Koren was a Contributing Writer last year, focusing on pieces about fashion, experiences, and college life.