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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Let’s be honest here: the last few weeks after Thanksgiving break before going into Winter break suck. The four days or so spent at home with family for Thanksgiving is only a brief teaser to the glorious three week Winter break awaiting us. However, one obstacle stands in our way: finals week. If you’re anything like me and spent Thanksgiving break doing absolutely nothing, coming back to school only to be thrown into what seems to be like two weeks of hell till finals week is the worst thing on the planet. Here are a few tips to get you through to Winter break:


1. Create a Priority List

Write down a list of all the things you need to finish before finals week and reward yourself whenever you cross something off. Finished your homework assignment? Treat yourself to an episode of your favorite show. Made your flashcards for your final? Go get some ice cream. Rewarding yourself when you’ve finished a task is a great way to keep yourself motivated!


2. Take Breaks

I know it’s grind season for finals studying, but living in the library for nine hours at a time is not the most effective way to study and will most likely make the next few weeks till break feel even longer. Take breaks and makes sure to take some time for yourself. Taking a break for an hour to hang out with a friend, or watch a show, or even take a nap isn’t going to kill you or be a waste of your time. It can even help regenerate you to keep studying for a couple more hours in the end.


3. Imagine Yourself After Finals

This tip only works for some, however, when I think about how relaxing and carefree Winter break is going to be, it only makes me want to work harder to get through finals week. Knowing that at the end of all your hard work and the stress of finals week you’ll be able to grab a blanket and curl up by the fire makes the last few weeks seem a little less sucky.


Buckle up and keep grinding for the next few weeks and Winter break will be here in no time.

Abby Vincent

Washington '21

Current sophomore studying Communications and Sales at the University of Washington. Enjoys writing, travel, music, doggos, and eating too much food in one sitting. Follow her socials!- Instagram & Twitter: _abbyvincent_