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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

I always had this understanding that when I went to a four-year university, I would stay there the full four years and have many opportunities to be part of different organizations. My experience was actually different than that. I started out at a four-year in Missouri, then at the end of what would have been my sophomore year, I moved to Seattle. I didn’t go back to school right away because of financial difficulties but when I did, I went to a community college where I completed my associates and transfer to UW.

Every university tells you to get involved because the friends you make at a university is the best network you will start out with. What they don’t tell you is that transfer students don’t have access to rush if they want to join a sorority or fraternity all the time. The other thing they don’t explain is that you may have to more GenEd courses because the university didn’t accept all your transfer credits or to them you are missing one. Being a transfer student is a hit and a miss in a lot of ways but compared to many of the other students that go to a four-year, you already have a degree. How do you get involved as a transfer student and make your time worthwhile? Here are a few tips:


Go to Events During the First Week

Almost every university has events showcasing their clubs the first week of classes. Go! Not only will you get free things, you will also meet new people and find something you are interested in. I joined HerCampus in my first week. Some universities also showcase their sororities and fraternities this week as well, so if you are interested, go talk to them.

Form Study Groups

Another way to get involved or just meet people is to form study groups with you classmates. Not only will this improve your grades in your classes, but it will also help you find out what other people are involved in and if you are interested. And, you might even make a friend or two along the way.

Just Be Yourself

College isn’t about fitting in, we have learned that already as being transfer students. But this knowledge can leave us when we get on a bigger campus. All you have to do is be yourself and nothing will stop you from achieving the goals you set out to do, one of them being your bachelor’s degree. At every university, you will find where you fit in or what club you want to get involved in just by being yourself. And remember, it’s never too late to be a part of something on your campus.

Clarissa Lunday

Washington '21

I am a junior at the University of Washington. I transferred from Seattle Central College after completing my Associate of Arts. I have a unique experience as I also struggle with depression and live with my service dog, Manchester. I love to write about my experience and my politics and I hope you enjoy my articles.