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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.


Podcasts are have taken over the radio as our generation’s background noise, as you can walk around the house multitasking your life away and learn all about the topics you desire to their core, and all on your tiny device!

If you’re looking for new podcasts to empower and entertain your day, look no further because these strong women are sure to pique your curiosity.

CoWomen via Unsplash

1) “But, What’s Next? With Michelle Reed”

Michelle Reed shares her insight on growing up and focuses on her post-grad life. Not only does she cover a variety of topics like friendships, faith, fitness, finance, and much more, but she has begun to interview more of her mentors, including her own dad, dietitians, professors, Sydney Cummings, and even Rachel Cruze, who specializes in personal finance. Michelle also has her own YouTube Channel where she shares her life, but her weekly podcast episodes are sure to bring you peace. 


2) “Talk Nasty to Me Podcast”

Miss Nicole Rafiee, better known as Miss Nikki Nasty, is a star we can’t deny. Nicole shares her views on mental health, body image, veganism, music, and her hilarious college stories, along with her correct opinions. Am I biased? Of course. She has an entire YouTube channel devoted to her amazingness. Check her out, you won’t regret it.  


3) “The Confidence Chronicles”

Host Erika Cramer lives in Australia but is originally from Boston. She is a confidence coach and shares advice on managing your mind. Erika is known to be 100% authentic and is not afraid to take up space, rather she willingly creates her own. She’s not afraid to drop the “f” bomb, and speaks clearly to give you the message as it is. She has survived many traumatic experiences and is now a prime example of transformation. If you are feeling down and need a quick pep talk, download a couple of Erika’s episodes!


4) “My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark”

If you love true crime, comedy, or desire spookiness in 2021, feel free to listen to these women. Both writers, Karen and Georgia do in-depth conversations about crime mysteries that are certain to keep you on your toes; no you won’t become a ballerina, but you’ll be scared to death.