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How to Survive the Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

1. Shop at UniQlo

 I don’t know why, but their thermal shirts are so warm even though they are so thin.


2. Layer!


3. Break out the puffiest jacket you own.


4. Lots and lots of tea.


5. When all else fails, speedwalk to class.

Your warmth is more important than your reputation.


6. Set the thermostat in your room to 90 degrees

 At least you’ll be warm when you get back to the dorm.


7. Buy a hat and try to look as good as Zac Efron even though you probably won’t.


8. Or just stay inside.



By Laura Judd

gifs: giphy.com

Washington University Class of 2019. College of arts and sciences, Psychology major with a minor in Design