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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Eating healthy can be hard, and especially hard for picky eaters like me. It can be challenging to find foods that seem appealing and taste delicious but are also healthy. If you’re picky and looking for some healthy food suggestions, you’ve come to the right place. 


One of my favorite foods has now become cauliflower pizza. Cauliflower pizza became the craze in 2018, and it immediately emerged in many restaurants and supermarkets. I don’t like all cauliflower pizzas – as someone who is picky, I’m not a fan of the ones that have a strong vegetable taste from the crust. Some of my favorite restaurants at home make great cauliflower pizza, but these can be expensive and aren’t always easy to get if you are home and want to make something quickly. If you’re looking for a great frozen cauliflower pizza to make at home, I would recommend the brand Caulipower. Caulipower sells their cauliflower crusted pizza to DIY (just the crust and you add any sauce and cheese you want) and they also sell pre-made pizzas in flavors such as margherita, three cheese, buffalo-style, and many more. I highly recommend trying it out. A hack for eating cauliflower pizza is to dip it in your favorite buffalo sauce or sprinkle some extra parmesan cheese on top. 


Two new snacks for me have been sea salt cauliflower pretzel sticks and cheddar cauliflower crackers made by the brand From the Ground Up. There is a little bit of an acquired taste; however, after eating a few of them, you’ll be hooked. The cheddar cauliflower crackers are essentially a healthier Cheez-it, which is one of my favorite snacks. More than lunches and dinners, it is extremely difficult to find snacks that are healthy. I’m a big snacker, and these have been a great find. 


Another good healthy option for lunch is to make a basic salad (I like a very plain salad with romaine, carrots, cucumber, corn, and grilled chicken). I am a huge fan of any Asian-flavored dressings. The Primal Kitchen Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette is a good one to try for salads made at home. I love the Chopt salads with their sesame ginger dressing as well. A salad isn’t always the most exciting thing to eat but filling it with vegetables you love will make it more enjoyable. I always prefer my salads to have grilled chicken in them to make it a little more filling. Also, I’ve learned that the dressing is key – once you find a dressing you love, your salads will just be that much better. 


Get an Air Fryer. Period. My family bought an Air Fryer right before quarantine and it seriously was a life saver when we were cooking almost every meal and trying not to order in. Pretty much anything can be put into the Air Fryer and it comes out tasting amazing and as if it was fried (but there is no oil used). I’ve become a big fan of making lightly panko-crusted chicken parm in the Air Fryer. Another one of my Air Fryer favorites is to make any kind of grilled chicken wings. They’re delicious plain, or sometimes I use a Buzzfeed Tasty recipe to whip up a sauce for them. Another family favorite is to put any vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) into the Air Fryer to get it crispy. A hack that a lot of people don’t know about is to use the Air Fryer to cook frozen foods (such as frozen Caulipower pizza). It makes it crispier than making it in the oven or the toaster oven would. 


Even when it may not seem like it, there are actually lots of great options to eat healthy, even when you’re a picky eater. Not only have I found foods that are healthy, but I actually crave them and enjoy eating them! 

WashU freshman, pizza enthusiast, & self-proclaimed baker.
breakfast & poetry enthusiast