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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

If you haven’t had time to plan and indulge in a spa-night, practice self-care by journaling! Journaling can be a stress-relieving technique, and seeing your thoughts in tangible form on paper allows for you to incorporate mindfulness in everyday life. To start, no fancy journal, pens, or Washi-tapes are needed! Just a comfortable place to write and one of these prompts to invigorate your creativity…


            When did you feel inspired last week? What were you doing? Who were you talking to at the time?

            What is a hobby/creative venture you’ve always wanted to try? 

            Write a letter to next-year you.

            Who are the people in your life who make you feel most authentic and “at-ease”?

            Write about your favorite song? Can you describe the sound in words? Can you describe how it makes you feel/which memories it evokes to make you feel those emotions?

            Write a letter to your best friend/someone who has impacted you in your life.

            Write about something someone close to you said that has made a lasting impression–does this quote motivate you? Move you? Comfort you?

            Write about 5 ordinary/mundane things that made your day special.

            What makes you laugh?

            Write a love letter to yourself. Where are you mentally/emotionally in your journey of self-love?

            Write about your favorite holiday and how you celebrate.

            Write about a childhood memory that holds special meaning for you.

            (If journaling at the end of the day) If today was a color, what color would it be?


If these prompts don’t speak to you, feel free to just start writing! It might surprise you to see where your thoughts go from here. Just the act of thinking and writing spontaneously will free your mind for a bit, so don’t be nervous about starting! 

Happy journaling!


Addie Li

Wash U '24

currently obsessed with tie-dye
breakfast & poetry enthusiast