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The 6 Yik Yaks You See on Wash U’s “Hot” Page

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

1. The “I aged five years in the time it took to get my food” Yik Yak

We’ve all been there. You stand awkwardly waiting for 45 minutes to get your BD stir-fry, and finally get your food to find that all your friends are already done eating. Or you make the trek all the way to Holmes Lounge to get that oh-so-delicious panini wrap, only to wait in a line that is out the door. While all the waiting around may seem like a drag, stick it out. There’s a reason why Wash U’s food is ranked number one among US colleges. Plus, it gives you more time to think of how you can put a new spin on your “I’m bored waiting in line for food” Yak. 

2. The “Maybe posting about my lack of love life will improve my love life” Yik Yak

Out of all the things said on Yik Yak, posts about relationships, or lack thereof, are definitely among the most prevalent. What better place is there for Wash U students to get out their sexual frustrations than on an anonymous social media forum? In reality, probably a lot of other places. Nobody knows who is writing the posts, so it probably won’t get you very far. For some serious change, it may be time to shamelessly reactivate your Tinder account and start swiping right!

3. The “I’m going to make passive aggressive comments towards the person across the libary” Yik Yak

Yes, we all hate you, “person who can’t stop tapping your foot against my chair.” And we hate you too, “person whose headphones are so loud we can hear your music in this silent room.” In the library, during large lectures and even as you are walking across campus from class to class, you are always going to come across that one person who is doing something that you just cannot stand. As much as you have the urge to post on Yik Yak about it, try and refrain, because in all honestly, we probably hate you too, “person who Yik Yaks passive aggressive comments about people that annoy you.”

4. The “I did __________ and accidentally got a degree from _______” Yik Yak

Wash U students are smart, and we aren’t afriad to show other schools that we know it. While everyone here knows how amazing this school is, we cannot exactly prove it with the typical claims of how we have crazy tailgates all weekend and then go on to watch our sports teams win national championships. So instead, we do what we do best: make witty, clever insults that slyly convey how much smarter we are than everyone else. 

But it’s okay, because other schools make jabs at us too:

5. The “I’m trying really hard not to sound like a try-hard” Yik Yak

If there’s one thing Wash U students can’t deny, it’s that we have to work hard. At the same time, it seems like the one thing Wash U students can’t admit is that we do work hard. If a random person were to scroll through our Yik Yak feed, it would leave them with the impression that people here don’t do any work and fail every exam. While everyone hates the kid who “humbly” brags about getting an A on last week’s chem test, or the kid who brings up school in any open opportunity, I think we can all agree that there is a happy medium between the two. And let’s not try to kid ourselves- we’re all here because we’re try-hards.

6. The “Now I look stupid laughing to myself while staring at my phone” Yik Yak

And finally, the Yik Yak that everyone likes best: the ones that can’t help but make you laugh out loud, even when nobody else is around. While it is always slightly embarrassing when someone catches you walking to class and staring at your phone while simultaneously loling and almost bumping into things, these Yaks aways know how to brighten your day when you need it the most. Although you’re still not entirely sure what “Yakarma” is, these Yaks will most definitely always get the up vote from you.



Article cover photo courtesy of edsocialmedia.com

Sydney Davis is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in Film & Media Studies and minoring in Writing. She loves running, exploring new cities, fashion, boating, and most importantly, Whole Foods.