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5 Ways to Make Studying Bearable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

With finals fast approaching it can be tough to stay sane with all the studying and reading that needs to be done before the end of the semester. Breaking up your studying can actually be more productive and can help you remember information better. Here are some ways to make the most of your studying and keep your sanity while hitting the books this finals season.

1. Take a dance break

Grab some of your friends or do it solo, but taking a short dance break to get the blood flowing and concentration going again can be super therapeutic. Have two playlists, a chill one to study to and an upbeat one to use in times of brain overload emergencies.

2. Short spa break

Take a few minutes and give yourself a mani or a pedi, or get a quick massage. Concentrating on something else for a few minutes will help you focus better when you go back to studying, plus a manicure will prevent you from biting your nails while reading!


3. Take a yoga break

A few minutes of yoga, meditation or stretching can work wonders for your mind and your body. Mentally, you’ll be more alert and more relaxed and your body will thank you after being hunched over at a desk for hours.

4. Call your parents

Quick shout-out to your parents who can actually be super comforting in times of stress! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a little bit of advice from mom or dad can be just the motivation you need to push through. Just be sure to tell them you’re in the middle of studying so it’s actually a quick call.


5. Reorganize your study space

Whether you’re in your room or the library, a quick rearranging of your things can unclutter your mind as well. If your workspace is neat and efficient it can help you study more efficiently too and it will make you feel better to be study in a clean space.