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5 New Songs to Get You Through Your Midterms Grief

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

As college students, we know all too well the specific, crippling breed of grief that comes in waves both during and right after midterms. The Midterm Grief-Stress Cycle always adheres to the same 5-step process: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The only way to get through this season without ripping your hair out is by listening to a song that speaks to the state that you’ve found yourself in. New releases are especially good for this, as listening to a song you’ve never heard before can help take your mind off the testing craziness. So now, without further ado, here are 5 new releases that correspond with the 5 stages of midterm grief that can help you mellow out during this crazy time.


Step 1) Denial: Internacionales – Bomba Estéreo

Released Aug. 11th, 2017

During this phase, you procrastinate incessantly and block out any thoughts and memories of testing. Exams? Never heard of those. You need a song that has absolutely nothing to do with testing, and this new release is just that. “Internacionales” is a really fun song by a band called Bomba Estéreo based out of Bogotá, Colombia. It will make you forget about testing and, if you speak Spanish, lift your spirits with a great message about intersectional identity and acceptance. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, though, “Internacionales” is an amazing bop!


Step 2) Anger: Headphones – WALK THE MOON

Released Oct. 12th, 2017


This is, arguably, the worst of the five stages. Anger and stress levels are directly proportional, so as time goes on, you just get more and more frustrated with your classes. You end up saying things such as “I mean, it’s the Friday before the exam. WHY is this professor still giving us new material? This is insane and I’m quitting school.” Luckily, this banger by WALK THE MOON will help you get your anger out through dance! With lyrics that will relate directly to your struggle with getting beaten into the ground, this song is a great stress-reliever.


Step 3) Bargaining: Pray – Sam Smith

Released Oct. 6th, 2017


This is the all-too-familiar desperation that causes you to trade many meals and hours of sleep for the mere hope of a B on your tests. Sam Smith gets it, and by just reading the title of this song you know that. Listen to his beautiful, crooning voice and pray your heart out for that A+. You can do it!


Step 4) Depression: Underdog – Banks

Released Sept. 28th, 2017


During this phase, you’re now sure that your threat of quitting school during the anger stage will actually be carried out because you are absolutely going to fail out of school. Rationally, you know that this is not true, but your brain is too busy yelling at you to realize it. Underdog by Banks will help bring back the hope that you’ll “come back as the underdog”.


Step 5) Acceptance: Call It Dreaming – Iron and Wine

Released Aug. 25th, 2017


Midterms are over and you’ve done the best that you can possibly do. You’re an INTELLIGENT and CAPABLE young woman and grades can never change that! The cycles of stress and grief are finally over” (At least until the end of the semester…) Here’s some incredible, happy, indie folk that will help you to reach that calm, happy, post-midterm-stress state.


By Kiva Runnels


Washington University Class of 2019. College of arts and sciences, Psychology major with a minor in Design