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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

Woah, back to school already? Summer seemed to be shorter this year, but then again, this whole year whizzed by us. It can feel disappointing and weirdly exhausting returning to school when a lot of us are stuck doing online classes again. However, the one thing that this year has probably taught many of us is to not take the “little things”, or things that we consider are “normal”, for granted. This year took away many different opportunities and events from us, but it didn’t take away the beautiful changing of seasons. My favorite season – fall, is here!

We only have a few more months left to the end of the year, so it’s the perfect time to unwind, reflect, and work towards what we want to accomplish before the year comes to an end. Fall is honestly the perfect setting for this. While it is crucial to keep socially distancing and taking safety precautions (wear a mask whenever you’re outside and keep sanitizing those hands!), here are a few things that you can still do to make the most of this beautiful season and feel a fresh start to the fall semester. 

1. Make a clean and nice work setup – If you’re taking online classes, it’s especially important to create a workspace that is clean, cute, and organized for you to stay motivated. Have a pen box, notebooks, whatever you think you might need when you’re studying. Add a candle or pumpkin ornaments and etc., just to feel festive! 

2. Go on a drive / road trip – This is the perfect time to go on a drive or a small local road trip – either alone or with a few friends. It’s not too hot, not too cold, perfect to look at the fall scenery. 

3. Fall shopping! – Changing up your wardrobe during this time will be so much fun. Add in the boots, cardigans, and cozy sweaters! 

4. Drink that pumpkin spice latte or any nice hot drink, really. – There are so many cute and festive drinks that are available at this time, enjoy them! Sitting at a little cafe somewhere with a coffee in hand sounds just right. 

5. Walks! – Going on walks under the warm-colored trees and hearing the crunch of the leaves may be the most therapeutic thing you can do at this time. In between classes or whenever you feel like it, breathe in that autumn air. Take some photos too to capture those moments!

6. Plan “Halloween at home” – Don’t let this year cancel Halloween! Although parties and going out on Halloween is not really an option, get excited by planning a “Halloween at Home”, where you can invite a few of your friends over! Pick out your favorite snacks, Halloween movies, maybe even make some decorations. 

7. Bake and cook – Eating warm food hits different this time of year, collect different recipes and dedicate some time to baking or cooking! 

8. Netflix and chill – Wrapped in blankets and watching Netflix all cozied up somehow seems better in the fall. Watching throwback autumn/thanksgiving episodes from television classics like Friends, or Gossip Girl is always really fun and a sure-guarantee to put you in a jolly fall mood.