Every college student knows that the most stressful part of the semester is the final stretch between Thanksgiving and Winter Break. The days turn cold and dark at only 5pm, and it seems as if there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to work on all of your final papers and projects. Today, I want to introduce to you the concept of mindful meditation and how it can help lower your stress levels with final exam season right around the corner. The process is fairly simple and can even be done in your own dorm room. All you need is a few minutes of free time and a quiet place to focus. You begin by taking multiple deep breaths and slowly releasing them into the atmosphere, along with – metaphorically speaking – your worries and negative thoughts.
A mindful person is someone who is aware of their body and the sensations running through them at all times. This meditation practice has been proven to lower heart rate, boost immunity, and improve sleep quality. All of these benefits can help to give you an edge during finals by allowing both your physical and mental health to be in peak shape. In addition, there are many effortless activities that you can perform on a daily basis that can help create a mindful attitude and result in a form of lonesome happiness. For example, driving and exercising can help you enter a state of flow, which is achieved when a person performs an easy task and taps into “the zone.” I’ve found that running helps me to clear my mind and let go of my anxiety, especially when it is school-related. I often enter a mood of flow when I’m on the treadmill because this habit is not too challenging or too boring for my mind. I’m able to just be and release endorphins that help to elevate my mood and relieve stress.
I hope that the next time you feel overwhelmed during this period of academic stress and changing weather, you can look back on this article and remember that everything is going to be alright. Take a few minutes to meditate every day and be mindful of your surroundings, and I promise that you will find inner peace.