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Surviving Social Distancing: 5 Ways to Keep Your Mind Busy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I’m a very independent and a not-so-social 18-year-old woman, so naturally, I thought doing my part in staying home through this hectic time would be relaxing and rejuvenating. But, after a week of self-isolation with my parents and my dog, my introversion is being tested. Online classes have started, which keep me busy at times, but what am I going to do in the inevitable free time that I would typically use to hang out with my friends at school? Here’s my list of projects and goals to help you feel productive while you help keep everyone safe and healthy from the comfort of your home!


1. Journaling

This is an extremely confusing and unique situation we’re living through and it could be very beneficial to write about your thoughts and feelings. Do you feel disconnected from your friends? Do you have thoughts you need to get off your chest? Journaling can be as easy as writing the first thing that comes to mind, writing about how a song makes you feel, or scribbling down a quote you want to remember. This process is what you make of it, but hopefully it can bring peace of mind or even help you feel more comfortable in your environment!


2. Watch a Movie or TV Series

Movies are a great way to get out of your own head and bring people together. Pick your favorite movies or tv shows and set a goal of how far you want to get! Personally, I plan to rewatch the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe series of movies before the postponed, Black Widow (2020), is released sometime in the (hopefully near) future. Invite your fellow quarantine pals or watch solo, it’s up to you! Many movies that have recently hit theaters, or were supposed to in the coming weeks, have been released On Demand and on certain streaming platforms if you’re in the mood for something new.


3. Re-decorate and Organize Your Room

My room has had the same posters and wall decor since I moved to my family’s new house my freshman year of high school. To say it’s a bit outdated and messy is an understatement. I’m sure many of you can relate, so if there’s anything in your house that needs to be cleaned or rearranged, now’s the time! Paint the walls, move the furniture, add a little spice to your room. There’s no time like the present!


4. Exercise

I know that gyms have closed and maybe there’s limited space in your home to really workout, but even just doing some jumping jacks and some push ups can help you feel better and get you moving. If you love lifting weights, improvise! Books and other household objects can be excellent place holders for dumbbells as long as you have the patience and motivation. Staying healthy should be our main goal in this trying time, so don’t be afraid to plan some workouts into your week.


5. Spend Time With Your Social Distancing Buddies

The highlight of my week so far was when my parents, my dog, and I left the house to go pick up two puzzles at Barnes and Noble that my mom ordered through their accommodating curb-side pick up service. While puzzles aren’t exactly my idea of exciting, my mom enjoys them, so my dad and I are obliging her by participating in our new family puzzle time. It’s important to strengthen your connections with the ones closest to you, especially in this time of social distancing. I hope that you make your friends, family, or whoever you’re quarantining with, a priority in the coming weeks!


Madi Miller

Wake Forest '23

I am from Raleigh, North Carolina, and I'm currently a junior majoring in Business and Enterprise Management with a concentration in International Business at Wake Forest University. I love photography, reading, road trips, Marvel movies, and volleyball! I hope to put myself out of my comfort zone and push beyond my boundaries in writing and creativity, and I am excited for this opportunity with Her Campus WFU!
Claire Fletcher

Wake Forest '20

Mathematical Business Major at Wake Forest University