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Successful vs. Unsuccessful Dates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

In high school, I always imagined that all of my date nights would be filled with roses, expensive steak dinners, and a kiss under the stars. Then when I started dating in college, I realized that only 1% of those dates are even close to my high school dreams but I’m not that disappointed in the other 99%. Date nights are almost always trial and error so do not feel the need to break up with your significant other (SO) just because they took you to an ice cream shop on a freezing day or the beach during a thunderstorm. But, just so next weekend is a little more enjoyable for both of you, here is a compilation of some successful dates and unsuccessful dates that may help guide you and your SO for your next weekend out.

Movies: The best 10th  date!

About four months into my relationship, My SO and I had our first movie date where we watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. At this point of our relationship, we already knew that we were both major Sci-fi dorks who have seen every space battle in film. We already knew that we both love popcorn with lots of butter and not too much salt. We already knew almost everything about each other! I can’t imagine if this were our first date because the first date is all about figuring out your date’s past, their interests, and what they want in life. I don’t think he’d like if I were asking him questions about his aspirations while the Rebels are flying through hyperspace. The movie was a great success because the weather was chilly, the theater was close, and our brains were mush from a stressful week of school. We had nothing to talk about except for exams so epic Star Wars space battles were the perfect conversation starter.

The Great Outdoors

How’s the weekend weather looking? If it’s going to be a cool day with some sun, consider having a date night outside. A picnic sounds nice but how about a hike instead? Ariana, a junior at Wake Forest University, says one of her favorite dates was a hike she had with her SO. She said that the hike “showed me how caring he was but also challenged me in the sense of being able to show my strength and being up for a challenge.” With the cooler fall weather coming in, consider looking up some trails to hike nearby. Just be sure to pack plenty of water and snacks!

Shopping Malls No More

The mall has been the staple date location for the past several decades but, in recent years, the mall scene has been dying out. My SO and I have been avoiding our local mall for the past few months after we noticed the mall had started to become a little slow. Some of our favorite stores have vacated especially boutique stores that sell one of a kind items. What’s left are chain stores that sell items I could typically find online for the same price or cheaper. What’s even more disappointing is that less people are coming to the mall since people are opting for online shopping. The droves of kids searching for the perfect toy are no longer running between stores. College kids would rather stay at their desks rather than hangout at the food court. Adults find it more convenient to use Amazon to get an anniversary gift versus drive fifteen minutes to the mall’s jewelry store. Without people, the mall just has an air of loneliness and no one wants to feel lonely on date night.

It’s Not Always About the Place

Sometimes a successful date is more about your mindset versus where you’re going. Don’t consider a date a failure if you and your partner don’t go to the top restaurants in town or the fanciest parties. Jenny, a junior at Wake Forest University, says “A successful date for me is when you and the guy just talk for hours and get lost in the time getting to know each because you two feel this spark between each other.” Jenny’s first date with her SO was a walk around her local shopping outlet that lasted all night long. “You wish the moment could last forever because you just naturally enjoy each other’s company.” Take into consideration who is with you on your date night and whether they’re someone you can enjoy hours and hours with because that’ll determine if your date is successful!

Layla Ghiai

Wake Forest '20

Layla is a senior at Wake Forest University majoring in biology and minoring in writing. She is originally from Tampa, Florida but is glad she's now in North Carolina so she can fully enjoy four seasons. When she's not studying cell cycles and chemical reactions, Layla is most likely sketching cartoons, playing video games, taking photos of flowers, and/or drinking a very large cup of iced coffee. After graduation, Layla hopes to attend dental school.
Haley Callicott

Wake Forest '19

Haley is a current senior at Wake Forest University majoring in business and minoring in writing. She is the Editor-in-Chief and Campus Correspondent for HC Wake Forest, a member of Kappa Beta Gamma and an undergraduate advisor for the Student Advisory Board.