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Haute and Healthy: The Ultimate Body Workout in Under 30 Minutes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Sometimes, when you’re on a tight schedule, it can seem impossible to get a workout in that targets all your muscles and gives you that satisfactory slightly sore feeling the next day. Luckily, I’ve done my research to help out those busy, taking-on-the-world collegiettes like yourselves who don’t have a lot of time for long workouts. Here’s a new routine that gets the job done and takes less than 30 minutes!


Targeted Muscles: biceps, shoulders, chest, quads, gluteus, and core!


Let’s get started!

1. 5 Minute Cardio Warm Up: The point of this is to increase your heart rate and loosen up your muscles. Either the treadmill or elliptical is great for this! Pick a moderate pace (eg. 6mph, or 150 rpms). If you’re doing this in your dorm room, simply jog in place or do jumping jacks.

2. 6-10 Bicep Curls using 8-10 lb weights

3. 12 Squats: Form is EXTREMELY important when doing squats. Place your feet hip-distance apart, point your toes slightly outward, keep your back straight, and do not lean forward. If you feel discomfort in your knees, reduce the deepness of your squat.

4. 10 Push-Ups – Modified push-ups (placing your knees on the ground while keeping your body in a tight, slanted position) are perfectly fine as well!

5. 45 Second Plank

6. 20 Lunges (10 for each leg): Once again, form is EXTREMELY important. Make sure your knee isn’t extended over your foot. If you’re interested in making this a little more challenging, hold 5-10lbs dumbbells!

7. 6-10 Shoulder Presses using 8-10 lb weights

8.  20 Bicycle Crunches

9. Repeat Steps 3-8

10. 5 Minute Cardio Cool Down: Start the first minute at a slow pace, and slightly increase for the 2nd minute. Really challenge yourself for the 3rd (you can probably go faster than you think!), and then slowly decrease your pace for the last 2 minutes to let your heart rate come down. Congrats, you’re done!!


If you’re unsure about how to perform any of these exercises, bodybuilding.com is a great reference!

Happy exercising, ladies!


*Cover image from capitalfm.com

Hi Demon Deacons! I'm Caroline and I'm a freshman here at Wake Forest. This year i'll be writing for "Haute and Healthy" and Campus Cutie!