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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

About a month ago, I officially started the “best 4 years of my life” as my mother put it before I left. Not only am I new to living in the area, but I also have so much to figure out in college. So far, it has felt like a big question mark. I’ve only been here for a month and I’ve already had to learn things that I didn’t expect to learn until later into the school year. So without further adieu, here are 5 things I’ve learned during my first month of college at Wake Forest University. 



1. Old Golds run out faster than you’d expect.

It’s only been a month and I’m down to about 8 Old Gold Swipes. I don’t know how I went from 35 to 8 that quickly (yes I do, it was the Chick-fil-a) but here I am, not even halfway through the first semester, with 8 Old Golds left. My advice to anyone who’s in the same boat as me is this: Go. To. The. Pit. 


2. Friend group drama still exists in college and sometimes it’s even worse than it was in high school.

I never had any friend drama in high school so when I experienced it here at Wake, it threw me off. Based on the experiences of my upperclassmen friends, friend drama in college usually results from drunken mistakes or miscommunications that were taken the wrong way. Either way, it’s pointless. The sad truth is that it actually can ruin friendships if it goes unaddressed and unresolved. Talk that stuff out ladies! 


3. College football games are more fun than high school games.

When I went to the first Wake football game, I was a little intimidated by the big stadium, hundreds of people, and the frats on the grass handing out drinks. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good tailgate but the fact that they were giving out drinks?? In front of security?? Wild. Yet, I still loved it because it’s about the experience. I loved being surrounded by fellow Wake students, cheering on our team, and just immersing myself into college life. 


4. Pit breakfast is the best breakfast.

For real, can we talk about the French toast? That stuff slaps. I only started getting breakfast at the Pit recently because I’m too lazy to get up and walk there (and because of the Old Gold situation), but I highly recommend because that French toast hits different and they have a ton of extra stuff you can add to it. The eggs are also decent, which is usually not the case with cafeteria food so that’s a plus. I will say that the workers are usually in a better mood in the morning than they are later in the day and we all know how grouchy the workers get when it’s around dinner time. 


5. My college experience won’t be the same as my friends. 

I think this realization is the most challenging for me right now. When my friends and I go out, most of them always end up with a guy and I’m the one that eats Subway in her room while watching The Office at 3 am. Don’t get me wrong, I like being able to come back to my room by myself, but at the same time I can’t help but feel like I’m missing out on something. Sometimes I feel like I’m not getting the “full college experience”. All I have to say to other freshmen out there is that your experience will be different from everyone else’s, and that is 100% okay.

Destini De La Cruz

Wake Forest '23

I'm a first year at Wake Forest planning on majoring in biology (unless Chem 111 kicks my butt). I'm from Atlanta, Georgia and I went to a private Christian school. I'm really looking forward to share my experiences with everyone her on HerCampus! (P.S. I can almost quote The Office word for word)
Claire Fletcher

Wake Forest '20

Mathematical Business Major at Wake Forest University