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The Dangers Of Over Exercising

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

We all know exercise reaps many benefits, but like with most things, too much of a good thing isn’t always the best. Over-exercising can be extremely dangerous and can actually put you at more risk. So, how do you know when you’re over doing it? Here a few signs that your exercise habits may be hurting you more than helping you. 

1. You’re having trouble sleeping

Over-exercising puts stress on your body, causing an increase in levels of certain stress hormones such as cortisol. Increased levels of these hormones can leave you tossing and turning all night. If you experience several days or even weeks of insomnia, consider changing up your workout routine. Another side effect of increased stress hormone release is mood changes. Depression and irritability are common when the body is being overworked.  


2. Decreased motivation or disinterest in Exercise 

If going to the gym used to be one of the best parts of your day and now it’s one of the worst, that’s a major red flag. Once exercise is no longer an exciting or enjoyable experience, your body may be trying to tell you it’s burning out. Give yourself a rest day or two. 

3. You keep getting sick 

As opposed to building your body up and making you stronger, over-exercising actually breaks your body down. This weakens your immune system and therefore makes you more susceptible to illness. If you feel like you’re constantly getting another cold or can’t ditch the one you’ve had for two weeks, skip the gym for a few days and give your body some time to recover. 









Hi Demon Deacons! I'm Caroline and I'm a freshman here at Wake Forest. This year i'll be writing for "Haute and Healthy" and Campus Cutie! 
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Betsy Mann

Wake Forest