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5 Fun Things To Do That Aren’t Netflix 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I don’t know about you, but my go-to fun activity is always watching Netflix. While Netflix is obviously amazing, and I would never want to give it up, there so many other fun things you can do to have fun and relax. Here are 5 things to do this week besides watch TV:

1. Color 

Coloring books are all the rage right now, and you can find them just about anywhere. Coloring is so underrated, and it can actually be very soothing! Order a coloring book on Amazon or find a cheap one at the dollar store. Instead of watching that Gilmore Girls episode for the fourth time, pick up a coloring book instead.

gif courtesy of: http://giphy.com/gifs/coloring-6tH1rlrJzdJwA

2. Go On a Walk or a Hike 

Spring is here! Now that the weather has started to get nice, put on some sneakers and go outside. Light exercise is proven to increase mood and your immune system. Grab a friend and take a quick stroll or long hike! It is guaranteed to be be much more relaxing and rejuvenating than any binge watching session. 

photo courtesy of: https://img.clipartfest.com/14596e66504da2455251f5d8a1a8febe_exercise-girl-walking-clipart-exercise-girl-going-for-a-walk-clipart_685-800.jpeg

3. Read a Book

With all the reading I have to do for school, I forget how much I enjoy reading just for reading’s sake. There are SO many good books out there, and there is nothing better than getting sucked into a great book. Also, reading is a great thing to do before bed. It will relax you and put you right to sleep. Check out this list of books to help get you started! photo courtesy of: http://media.salemwebnetwork.com/cms/IB/31724-reading-in-bed-books-1200.630w.tn.jpg

4. Have a Spa Night

Put on a facemask, paint your nails and take a nice bath. You deserve to treat yourself! You will feel much more refreshed and relaxed than if you spent hours staring at your computer. 

photo courtesy of: http://baltimorestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SpaParty-HEADER.jpg

5. Bake 

Find an easy recipe for brownies or cupcakes, put on some fun music and get cooking! Baking is such a fun, easy activity that beats lying around watching TV. Plus you get to eat what you made, which is the best part. 

photo courtesy of: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/baking-cookies-24637180.jpg

Netflix will always be there, so next time you are looking for a study break try one of these fun alternatives! 

Girly girl. Pinterest addict. Actress.
Wake Forest Chapter of Her Campus