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The Ultimate Guide to Being a College Transfer

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Being a transfer student myself, I know first-hand just how challenging the process of transferring schools can be, especially in college. Reasons for transferring are unique to every student but nonetheless, it is mentally and physically wearing for every person who goes through it. For me, I had, to put it lightly, an extremely challenging freshman year at a different university. My experience, and other extenuating circumstances, were so terrible that I decided the best solution was to start fresh somewhere else. Fast forward a year later, I am the happiest I have been in a long time. If I could give myself a “guide” to follow a year ago today, when I initially decided to transfer, here is what I would give myself this advice: 

Making the decision 

The first and, arguably, most challenging part of the transfer process is deciding to transfer in the first place. It took me months into the second semester to gather the courage to apply to other schools. After many teary phone calls home, tough conversations with my roommates, and complete mental exhaustion, I felt I had nowhere else to turn and no more chances to give the school I was once so excited about attending. It is extremely important to stay kind to yourself in this process. Putting yourself first and taking steps to be in a better situation is scary, but you must have faith in the fact that you are doing something that will be beneficial to you in the long run.  

Applying to schools 

After deciding that you want to transfer, the next step is to apply. This can be time-consuming and tedious. You already did this in high school, and you are not looking forward to having to do it again. What’s most important is that you pick a place where you know you can become the most successful version of yourself. Whether that’s moving closer to home, further away, or anything in between, take the time to think about and reflect on what you want and do not want in a school. You now have some degree of college experience under your belt, be confident in your intuition to pick the place you’re meant to go, even if it’s a school that the senior year version of yourself swore up and down you would never go. 

Being the new kid…again 

 This part was what I looked forward to the least when transferring. I had already struggled with making friends my freshman year of college, and now I was going to have to start over. Every college tour guide I had encountered in my college selection process had said something about the importance of joining extracurriculars. Every time they mentioned it, I internally rolled my eyes. However, as much as I hate to admit it, they were right. One of the biggest positive impacts of my transfer experience was joining clubs. Not only have I met some of my best friends, but I have become more involved in my campus as well. Honestly, approaching any social settings with the mindset of being your authentic self around people who have never met you before. You have nothing to lose from being yourself.  

Be kind to yourself 

Lastly and most importantly, the most essential part of this process is how you treat yourself. The amount of strength and courage it takes to move schools is often overlooked. It is easy to feel like you failed or wasted time in a place where you were unhappy, but there is so much life and opportunity to be had in the future. You’re doing great and will be successful wherever you end up. 

Ellen Muldowney

Virginia Tech '26

Ellen Muldowney is a sophomore Multimedia Journalism major at Virginia Tech!.She currently is an entertainment writer and editor at HerCampus and is also a member of the sports staff at the Collegiate Times. Her favorite topics to write about include pop culture, movie and album reviews, and politics. She has also been writing and editing for various school magazines since her freshman year of high school. Outside of writing, she loves to dance, listen to music, watch baseball (go O's!), and thrift. Her favorite artist at the moment is Fiona Apple. If you need music recommendations she is definitely your girl! You can listen to some of her recommendations on her radio show on WUVT, the local Virginia Tech radio station that airs throughout the New River Valley. She also love dogs, reading, fall weather, and binging TV shows. New Girl and Arrested Development are her go-to's.