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Wellness > Mental Health

Hi, You’re Doing Amazing & Other Encouragements to Get You Through the Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Hi, you’re doing amazing, even if you don’t feel like it.

We’ve only dipped our toes into the fall semester and a part of me is already over it. Most students, like myself, are balancing classes, a job, organization involvement, friendships and self-care. Here are some encouragements to help you get through a rough patch, long day, or just to make you smile!

1. It gets better. 

2. Someone out there looks up to you. Just like you have people you look up to — bigs, siblings, friends — you are that person for someone else. We never realize the impact we can have on someone’s life and believe it or not you are someone’s role model.

3. You can take a break. Being on top of everything all day, every day will only give you burnout.

4. No one knows what they’re doing. There are some people who look as if they know exactly where they are going in life; they don’t. The most you can have is a plan because life changes in unexpected ways at inconvenient times. The most you can be expected to do is follow your gut.

5. You can ask for help. There is no shame in reaching out for help, everyone struggles at some point in their lives.

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Jessica Mardian

Virginia Tech '21

Jessica is a senior at Virginia Tech, double majoring in Creative Writing and Multimedia Journalism. 
Camden Carpenter

Virginia Tech '21

Senior studying Smart and Sustainable Cities, with hopes to become a traveling urban developer. Attemping to embody "Carpe Diem" in her everyday life, both physically by getting a tattoo of the quote, and mentally by taking risks while trying to maximize each day's full potential.