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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Fall is my favorite season and a large component of my love for the months of multi-colored leaves and cooler temperatures is the food. Fall flavors bring a level of comfort that embodies the phrase “food for the soul.” School becomes increasingly stressful during this season, allowing us the perfect time to embrace the nostalgic flavors of fall produce and spices. If you are looking for a few seasonal recipes to try in the next couple of months, I have listed an option for each meal that will put you in the ultimate fall mood.

Breakfast: Pumpkin Overnight oats

Being a huge fan of oatmeal, I couldn’t resist including an oats recipe with a fall twist. If you want to feel like you’re eating pumpkin pie for breakfast, this overnight oats variation is for you. This healthy and satiating breakfast is full of healthy fats, fiber and protein to start your day off right. Overnight oats such as this are incredibly convenient for meal prepping and can be modified based on your preferences. 

Christin Urso / Spoon
lUNCH: Roasted vegetable stew

The first thing that comes to mind when discussing food for the fall time is some variation of a soup or stew. This is a quintessential cozy meal to enjoy once the weather gets chillier. Not to mention, it is a great way to incorporate vegetables into your diet and makes for great leftovers to enjoy for the rest of your week. This recipe is vegan, however, you can add chicken or beans to bump-up the protein.

Dinner: Butternut squash pasta

This is the dinner of my dreams for the fall, with a delicious contrast of butternut squash and sausage. Like most of these dishes, there is versatility for many components, like the type of pasta or what vegetables you add. I recommend using spicy sausage or seasoning with red pepper flakes if you enjoy a good kick like I do.

Dessert: Taylor swift’s Chai cookies

In addition to being a multi-talented pop sensation, Taylor Swift has a highly-praised cookie recipe that is full of fall spices and isn’t too complicated to bake. If you want to make them more festive you can use seasonal cookie cutters in a pumpkin or leaf shape. My only note with this recipe is to add more butter than the recipe calls for if you want a softer texture. Nothing screams fall more than listening to “All Too Well” while baking Taylor Swift’s chai cookies.

I have been patiently waiting to bring back fall flavors into my kitchen and it is finally time. There is so much love and warmth that goes into this season, and it is only right to treat yourself to delicious food. I challenge you to branch out and try new recipes that will give you some extra comfort during this fall semester.

Sydney Kumor

Virginia Tech '25

Virginia Tech junior majoring in Business Management with a minor in Political Science. Part of the Her Campus writing team with a strong passion for creative writing, cooking and coffee!