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photos by lanty zUU73lEdcBU unsplash
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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

If you stop and look around you quickly realize that the world is moving constantly. It is a whirlwind of events and people and while sometimes chaotic and terrifying, it is also interesting and exciting. It all depends on your outlook.  


A lot of times, change is seen as a bad thing. It is unpredictable and when we so often seek familiarity, change gets in the way of that. Personally, I find comfort in dependability and stability; however, I also seek spontaneity and adventure to keep things refreshing. The combination varies depending on our individual preferences of what we desire.

Think back to where you were and what you were doing only a year ago. Now, if you take a look at yourself and where you are now, physically, mentally, and emotionally, the difference is undeniable. How satisfying is it to know the struggles you are facing now will fade away and the good in store will be at your feet before you know it. The growth and transformations you have made are and will continue to be extraordinary.

We embrace change when we do our hair and nails – it isn’t permanent, so the opportunity to change it again is always present. The same goes for our lives, especially at a time in our lives when it is entirely acceptable and even encouraged to experiment and try new things.

Think of the lack of permanence in life as a blessing. The bad will not last forever, but neither will the good, meaning we should cherish it all the more. History repeats itself but moments in our lives do not. The chances and opportunities that you are given now will not be given again and treasured moments last only in that very moment.

Don’t get discouraged when the change in your life isn’t what you had in mind. You didn’t get that job you were dying for because a better one is waiting for you. A relationship with the guy you like didn’t pan out because he wasn’t the one. It is all part of a bigger plan, a bigger picture, one that you aren’t able to see just yet.

Our lives evolve and we evolve along with it. Humans are adaptable beings; we have been doing it since the dawn of man. This means we are absolutely capable of adapting when our lives change. A shift in our lives mean we adjust properly and move on. As life evolves, it carries you down the path you are meant to be on. 


I truly believe that what happens in our lives happens for a reason. We may not always know what that reason is right away or ever, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a valid reason.

With the new year and decade quickly approaching, remind yourself that change can be a good thing. Don’t fear it, embrace it. Some things you can control and others you have no control over. What you do have control over is how you let change affect you. You can let it control you, or you can take control of the change in your life to determine what happens to you and where you end up. Change is inevitable but you don’t have to let it overtake you. You always have power over your own life.


Eva Cregger

Virginia Tech '20

An old soul with modern views of the world that loves movies, music, traveling and anything sweet. Majoring in Communication Studies at Virginia Tech. I am a proud Hokie & HerCampus member
Camden Carpenter

Virginia Tech '21

Senior studying Smart and Sustainable Cities, with hopes to become a traveling urban developer. Attemping to embody "Carpe Diem" in her everyday life, both physically by getting a tattoo of the quote, and mentally by taking risks while trying to maximize each day's full potential.