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Wellness > Mental Health

8 Ways to Unwind Before Finals

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

If you’re like me, you spent your Thanksgiving blissfully relaxing, ignoring all responsibilities like the upcoming final exam week. Now we’re back to school and life is starting to feel like a pressure cooker of stress and anxiety. During this period, it’s crucial to find time and ways to unwind and recharge to ensure you’re at your best when taking on those final exams. Here are a few creative ideas to destress before finals week.


Try distressing with some mindful meditation. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. Meditation can help clear your mind, reduce stress and improve concentration—qualities you’ll definitely want to bring to your study sessions.


If you’re like me, you deal with stress best by burning it off. Even a 30-minute floor workout can help reduce stress and help clear your mind for finals week.

Hot girl walk

Take a break from the textbooks and spend some time in nature. The fresh air and natural surroundings provide a great environment to clear your head and think about your goals for the end of the semester.

Creative outlet

Engage your creative side by taking up an artistic hobby. I’ve recently gotten into diamond painting which is not only relaxing but also super satisfying. Whether it’s drawing, painting, or crafting, expressing yourself through art can be a therapeutic escape from the pressures of academic life.

Music therapy

Create a personalized playlist of your favorite tunes to accompany your study sessions. Music has the power to uplift your mood, so choose tracks that resonate with you and help you stay focused. Consider adding some calming instrumental pieces to ease stress.


Explore the benefits of aromatherapy to create a calming study environment. Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus can promote relaxation and concentration. Use a diffuser or apply a few drops to a tissue near your workspace.

Digital detox

Take intentional breaks from your devices. Constant screen time can contribute to stress and fatigue. Schedule periods of digital detox to give your eyes and mind a break, perhaps by reading a physical book or engaging in a non-screen based hobby.

Self-care day

Dedicate a few hours to self-care. Treat yourself to a spa day at home, complete with a relaxing bath, face mask, and your favorite activities. Taking time for self-care can rejuvenate your spirit and leave you better equipped to face the challenges ahead.

As the pressure of finals week builds, remember that taking care of your mental and physical well-being is crucial. Implementing these stress-busting ideas into your routine can help you approach your exams with a clear mind, focused energy and a positive attitude. Take the time to prioritize self-care, and you’ll not only survive finals week but thrive in the process. Good luck!

Sarah Hevener

Virginia Tech '25

Sarah Hevener is a current junior at Virginia Tech pursuing dual degrees — one in Professional and Technical Writing and one in Public Relations. Last year she was an editor for HerCampus, but after doing that for a year she decided to branch out and write articles instead.