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10 Tips to Improve Body Positivity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

While there are many features of the female body that we tend to focus on too much or overlook, it is quite difficult to achieve that ideal of a “perfect” body. It’s easy to scroll through Instagram and see the tall, skinny girls at the beach and think that they are the epitome of a “perfect summer bod”. But, when we land on a picture of ourselves, we tend to nitpick those imperfect parts of ourselves. Even though we think those girls have it all, they most likely think of themselves as flawed as well.  Together and individually we can crush those negative voices because we are beautiful!

We all know that perfection doesn’t exist; it is described to us by journalists through labels and representations in magazines and online, but these are unrealistic standards. Their persuasive words make us obsess over things like butt size and hip size according to what they say is good or bad. We have grown up seeing these misrepresentations of the female body and it is hard to try and ignore it. While we try to bypass the negativity, there are a few things we can all do to help with our body perceptions:

1. Think of one thing you love most about yourself when you wake up

2. List one imperfections you see in the mirror and think about how you can improve on it

3. Wear one of your favorite pieces of clothing every day that makes you feel confident

4. Make a list of the things you love about yourself on the inside (e.g. your humor or intelligence)

5. Surround yourself with positive people

6. When on social media, try not to put other people’s body down

7. Remind yourself that weight is just a number, it does not define you

8. Set goals for yourself that don’t pertain to the look of your body

9. Do NOT compare yourself to other people

10. Above all else, remind yourself that you are bad ass and amazing

We have to remember that we are all beautiful in our own ways. Find the beauty you see in yourself and roll with it!

 Image source: Giphy // Pixabay

Hey I'm Celia! I am a Marketing Management major here at Virginia Tech. There are three things that I love most in this world and they are (in this order) dogs, DUNKIN and Chipotle. If I'm not coming up with new content for my next story you can catch drawing, reading or binging a new series on Netflix. To conclude this little bio, Michael Scott once said, "The only time I set the bar low is for limbo." I hope you guys enjoy reading!
Proud to be Virginia Tech's Her Campus chapter!