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Why it’s Good to be Single Over the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

Movies and TV shows would have you believe that the holidays are depressing and lonely without a boyfriend or girlfriend to share them with, but I say the media has it all wrong. Not being in a relationship doesn’t mean your break will be less fulfilling! We actually have the better end of the deal and I’ll show you why. So here are my top five reasons that it’s so much better to be single over the holidays.

  1. Less guilt about overindulging on delicious holiday foods.

The holidays are pretty much all about eating. I mean it’s probably the only time you can get away with eating cookies for every meal of the day and pass it off as being festive. So while you’re stuffing your face (rightfully so), you don’t have to feel bad because there’s no one you have to impress right now. Especially if you’re in an early stage in a relationship, you want it to still seem like you wear real pants every day, but us single people don’t have to pretend.

  1. You save money.

As a college student, your finances are pretty tight so buying anything can create a serious dent in your checking account. Over the holidays it can get expensive once you’ve gotten gifts for your parents, siblings and friends. But good news is you have one less person to spend money on and saving money is pretty amazing.

  1. No stress about finding that special someone the perfect gift.

In addition to saving money on gifts, you can also reduce stress. Finding a gift for your boyfriend or girlfriend can be seriously nerve-racking, especially if you just started dating. You have to go through every store worrying about the amount of thought and money that is deemed appropriate for each stage of the relationship. Single people, on the other hand, can bypass all the worrying and not feel bad about buying Starbucks’ gift cards in bulk.

  1. No awkward meetings with their family or yours.

Over the holidays, chances are, your whole family will eventually be in one room and they’ll want to take the opportunity to ask your significant other a million questions, making everyone feel uncomfortable. Also, on the flip side, you’re going to have to make that trek to his/her house and endure the same punishment. Being single basically means avoiding harassment and what’s better than that?

  1. More time to spend with family and friends.

Finally, the holidays are about spending time with your family and friends and being unattached gives you more availability to do that. A relationship can take up the majority of your time, so sometimes it’s nice to be able to spend a few hours just chilling on your couch with your siblings and cousins. Plus, you save yourself from the dreaded possibility of a breakup in the midst of the season.

So be grateful single people! You’ve been spared this holiday season, now go enjoy it.