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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

As an upperclassman looking back upon my last two years here at Villanova, I think back to my freshman year when everything was new and uncertain. It was scary moving to a new place with new people. If I could go back and tell myself what I know now, I think freshman year would have been a little bit of an easier transition. Below is a letter I wrote to my freshman year self, my hope is that this letter will give Villanova freshman advice and encouragment as their first semester comes to a close and their second semester begins. 

Dear Freshman Me, 

You are about to embark on one of the most unique and amazing experiences of your life. I know it is a little scary now but if you keep a few things in mind, I promise freshman year will be a breeze and Villanova will feel like home in no time. 

1. You will find your place.

Right now, it feels like you are a puzzle piece that does not quite fit into the puzzle of Villanova. But find something you are passionate about, follow it, and embrace it. There is a club and a place for everyone here on campus. Once you find it, you will finally feel as if you fit into the puzzle of Villanova. 

2. Don’t forget about your friends back home.

Although your friends are going to different schools all across the country, they are going through some of the same things you are. They will be missing home too so make sure to check in to let them know you are thinking about them. It is always nice to hear a familiar voice from home when you are feeling a bit homesick. 

3. Call home once or twice a week.

Call your mom, dad, siblings, or grandparents. They want to know how you are doing and hear about all your college adventures. They are so proud of you and they want to be a part of this exciting time in your life. 

4. Go to office hours and creat relationships with your professors.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your professors. They are there to teach you and help you learn. They want you to succeed and they will appreciate your effort in wanting to do well in their class. Creating a relationship with your professors is so important because one day they may become your mentors and can help you with internships and jobs in the future. 

5. People will come and go.

Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever and it is okay. You will find your core group of friends and they will be in your life for years to come. 

6. That boy from back home…let him go. 

It is hard to let someone you love go, but sometimes it is for the best. Do not let your past drag you down and stop you from making new relationships with people. You will find someone who is more mature and who will treat you the right way. You deserve it! So let that high school boy go, you will thank yourself later. 

7. Relax it will all be okay. 

Don’t sweat the small stuff- everything is going to work out. At times school will feel so overwhelming that you want to give up, don’t. Take a deep breath, take a walk, and reevaluate. It is all going to be okay in the end. 

College is such a unique and amazing time in your life. Embrace it all and enjoy it all. Before you know it, college will be halfway over and you won’t know where the time went. Villanova is an amazing place to spend the next four years of your life. (And by the way, you will experience history being made when Villanova wins the National Championship your sophomore year!) 

With love, 

Your Junior Year Self