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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

We all love making New Year’s Resolutions, even if it’s resolving not to make any at all. The idea is traditional and fun, but unfortunately, many of these resolutions eventually fade away. The situation doesn’t have to be hopeless, though. It is possible to make the changes you want to make and I’m going to give you five reasons why fall is the perfect time to make some resolutions that you can stick with. 

1. Your routine is established

If you are anything like me, at the beginning of every school year you tell everyone that will listen that this is the year you stop procrastinating. The problem is, the first week or two of classes leave you with a lighter load than the weeks to come. It’s easy to believe you won’t have to devote as much time to a class as you expected. This false sense of security makes it easier to fall behind. If you notice you are dragging behind and overwhelmed, use this opportunity to re-evaluate your time management skills and make the change now, because it won’t get any easier as the semester progresses!

2. You have your friends as accountability partners

Perhaps you’ve noticed it’s been awhile since you’ve been to the gym or had a vegetable, and now you are starting to feel sluggish. Waiting until New Year’s to make this change is not a good idea because that’s still three more months of minimum gym time and unhealthy eating! It’s also difficult because over the holiday you may not be around campus and your schedule is completely different. You are also probably around a different group of people than those whom you spend time with on campus. That’s why now is the perfect time to use the friends around you as motivational partners because they can tag along and you know you can count on them to be around when you need those words of encouragement. If none of your closest friends share similar availability, use this as an opportunity to reach out to someone in one of your classes or in your building. It’s never too late to get to know someone better or make a new friend. 

3. It’s not too late to get involved

Yes, classes do keep you busy and partying may be fun, but make sure you find some resume-building activities as well. Future employers want to see you were involved and that you are well-rounded. I once heard someone say, “College is four years spent building one line of a resume.” Make sure you use these years to fill more than one line using organizations and the people you encounter as networking opportunities. It’s not too late in the year to check out some interesting organizations at school. Many clubs around campus are just starting and they are still welcoming new members. Be willing to seek them out quickly before it does become too late and lose the opportunity for the semester. 

4. Fall weather means fall clothes

Maybe you’ve been longing to revamp your style – what better time than that start of a new season? You don’t have to go broke looking to make changes. Thrift stores, clothing swaps with friends, simple accessories, or even a new approach to make-up can make a huge difference and give you the confidence boost you’re seeking. Fashion and make-up articles are in abundance at the change of each season and may be useful in guiding you to achieve the look you’ve been dreaming of. If this style change is one of your goals, don’t let these resources go to waste. 

5. Cold fall nights

If you’ve wanted to gather up the courage to snuggle up next to a special someone, what better motivation than those cool fall evenings? As the temperatures drop you don’t have to feel cold and lonely. By now you probably know a few cuties around campus that peak your interest. Get to know the one that caught your eye and see if they are really worth dreaming about. If not, move on! There are always sweatshirts and sweaters to keep you warm if you get too cold!

Take advice from the tree leaves – maybe now’s a good time for you to change somethings too! You don’t need to wait until January to make the changes you want to make. There is no better time than right now. Don’t be afraid to let today be the start of your Fall Revolution! 


Jessica is a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at VCU, a Chapter Advisor and a retired Campus Expansion Assistant. She will graduate in May 2017, earning Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies. Her core areas of study include photography, journalism and media studies. In addition to school and her work with Her Campus, Jessica works at her university library as an information associate.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.