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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Everyone has insecurities. It’s not weird to be insecure about something about yourself. However, I feel like the women in our generation need to stop focusing on our insecurities and focus on our beauty. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and the sooner we realize this the better.

We shouldn’t spend our lives comparing ourselves to other people. It took me a long time to realize this, but it’s true. I remember in high school I would go on Twitter and read posts about girls wanting to look exactly like Kylie Jenner or Bella Hadid. I remember those celebrities would constantly post pictures on their Instagram accounts of their perfect makeup and body shape. It made almost every teenage girl, including myself, want to look exactly like them. However, I don’t think it’s reasonable for women to compare themselves to models like that. They’re multi-millionaires and probably have people do their makeup for them every day. I’m not saying that these women aren’t beautiful, but I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to compare themselves to rich models who basically get paid to look flawless.

There are some things about ourselves that we’re probably never going to be able to change. For example, ever since I was little I’ve had little black dots all over my legs and arms. I’ve been to the dermatologist multiple times regarding it, but the dots have never gone away. However, my insecurities about my legs and arms aren’t going to stop me from wearing tank tops or dresses. Also, I learned to stop thinking about what other people think when I wear tank tops or dresses because there’s a good chance that they don’t care. We can’t spend our entire lives worrying about what other people think. We have to live life for ourselves and become comfortable in our own body. As long as we are comfortable in our own skin who cares what anyone else has to say.

I know people’s weight is an insecurity for many people in our generation. Someone may think that they’re too fat or someone may think that they’re too skinny, but I wish weight wasn’t such a concern. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that being healthy is the best option, and if someone isn’t taking care of their body correctly then they should try their best to get healthy. However, I wish we didn’t live in a generation where people practically bash people who are overweight. I have friends who are healthy but think that they are fat because they’re naturally curvy. I always see them constantly working out and feeling insecure about their weight when there’s no reason to. These types of insecurities could lead to eating disorders and no one deserves to go through that. Not everyone is going to have a perfect body and I think that we need to embrace the body type we have now. Just stay healthy and own the body that you have.

I hate seeing people not comfortable and happy in their own skin. I’m not saying that I’m super confident in myself, but one day it hit me that I didn’t care about what anyone thought about my looks. I’m happy with how I look and no one is going to be able to tear me down. I can only hope one day women could have the same mindset as me and embrace all the beauty in themselves.  It doesn’t matter if you like to wear full face makeup or no makeup at all, the only thing that matters is that you are happy with yourself.

photo credit: Chelsea Schmidt

Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!