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Tried and Tested Pinterest DIY’s For When You’re Bored

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

If you’re bored at home and are in dire need of something to do other than aimlessly scroll on TikTok for hours upon hours, look no further. After doing my own research on Pinterest, I found three of the trendiest DIY’s that are easy, fun, and won’t break the bank.

Needlepoint coasters

For this DIY, you’ll need to gather a few items first: a needlepoint hook, a plastic canvas and thread of your choice based on the design you want to create your coaster of. Then you are going to want to determine the design of your piece, the shape, and how large the coaster should be. Some coasters are square, and although the circle-shaped coasters are more aesthetically pleasing, keep in mind they will be harder to create.

As for design, here are some examples, to name a few: a smiley face, flowers, a peace sign, a 70’s pattern, a starry night sky, etc. Once you’ve chosen your design, draw the shape you want your coaster to be on the plastic canvas using a marker. This will serve as the outline for your needlepoint. After this step, begin to needlepoint using the thread you chose along with the needlepoint hook.

Jewelry Holder

The only material necessary for this project is clay. Before shaping the clay, choose the type of jewelry holder you want, whether its purpose is to be just for rings or all jewelry. If the jewelry holder is meant to be for all types of jewelry, I recommend a more plate-like jewelry holder. It should be flatter with lots of surface space for a variety of jewelry. If you want to create a jewelry holder for just rings and feel artistically capable, you can shape a hand out of clay and the rings can live on each of the clay fingers.

If you decide on a more plate-like jewelry holder, you can use a toothpick to make designs on the plate, such as waves, checkers, or stars. Once you’ve chosen your design, you can start shaping it with clay. After the jewelry holder is shaped, it should dry or harden on its own if using standard craft store glue. If you want a little extra confirmation, bake it in the oven for a few minutes which should speed up the hardening process. Afterward, if you choose, you can use acrylic paint to paint your jewelry holder in an array of colors. 


This DIY refers to a specific type of mirror on Pinterest. In order to do this DIY, first buy a mirror of your choice of size without a frame on it, as well as use some leftover clay from our previous DIY. You will then roll out the clay into a long, thin piece, almost double the length of the mirror if it was wrapped around the edge.

Then, using acrylic paints, paint the clay any color you wish. After the paint dries, start wrapping the piece of clay around the outer part of the mirror in a more wavy shape, rather than straight around it. This wavy shape will act as our makeshift mirror frame. Let the clay harden, and you have just created a cute mirror with an even cuter (and more personable) frame. 

Claire Early is currently a senior at VCU. She is studying mass communications with a concentration in public relations.