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A Thank You Letter to the Friend Who Dropped Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

We spent almost our entire lives together. When I think of almost any memory from my childhood, you are always a part of it. When you stopped talking to me, I remember all I wanted was an explanation. It’s not like we got into an argument and decided to not be friends anymore. You just stopped talking to me one day. So many thoughts continuously raced my mind. What did I do? Why don’t you want to talk to me anymore? It took me way longer than I want to admit to get over this. Now that time has passed, all I can say to you is thank you.

Thank you for never responding to any text message I sent you without an explanation. I think I began to rely on you being in my life too much, so you never contacting me forced me to break out of my comfort zone and meet new people. After you stopped talking to me, I met some of the best people in my life and I wouldn’t have done that without you.

Thank you for blatantly replacing me with someone else. I have to admit, this probably affected me the most. I remember being so angry watching you look so happy with someone we used to hang out with together. I couldn’t figure out what I did to make all of this happen. That being said, watching you practically drop me for someone else definitely made me become a better friend to others. I never want one of my friends to feel the same way I felt, so I definitely try to make sure all of my friends feel included. I can’t imagine just not speaking to one of my friends anymore without explaining why.

Thank you for dropping me. Maybe we grew apart, maybe you decided that you didn’t like me anymore, or maybe I actually did something I’m not aware of. I’ll probably never know. What I do know is that this helped me grow up. When we were friends, I was a completely different person. I assumed that any friend I had at 15 would be my friend for life, and that isn’t the case. You helped me realize that not everyone is going to be in your life forever and not everyone is going to care about me the way that I care about them. I really grew up because of you and I thank you for that.

No matter what, you’re always going to be a part of my life. We shared so much of our growing up experiences together and that will never go away. I have no animosity for you, and I hope for nothing for the best in your life. Maybe we’ll cross paths again for one day, but for now, all I can say is thank you for all of the memories and lessons you gave me. 

Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!