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Is Summer School Hot or Not?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

When the term summer school is brought up, different things come to mind. Long, boring classes that last at least three hours a day, hot and sweaty classrooms, the feeling of being in a class with a whole bunch of idiots; but that’s not always the case. Summer school is not a place just for students taking remedial classes. It is also a place for advancement. As kids growing up, summer school in elementary or middle school was typically for students who needed a bit more assistance or failed a class or two. Now that we’re in college, however, taking summer classes is actually a really smart idea.

Summer school in college is mostly used as advantage and advancement. Every students dreads the day they walk into their advisors office a couple months before graduation, and they are told they will not be able to graduate due to a class or two that was not taken. So in order to avoid that situation, summer school is a good idea. Not saying that summer classes are required every summer of your college career, but at least dedicate one summer to trying to get ahead in a class or two, or staying on track; because none of us want to see the day we are told graduation may have to wait another semester.

Of course there are a lot of cons about summer classes. You may not be able to go on that six week vacation to another country or work a full-time job, but summer school does pay off. Summer school does not mean summer is over. Depending on your schedule, you can still have time to take summer courses and also go on vacation. The neat thing about summer school is that they have different sessions five week, eight and twelve week sessions. When choosing sessions, make sure you chose wisely. Just make sure to remember that the fewer weeks, then the more intense the class will be because everything is crammed into that short amount of time.

Also when deciding on what summer courses to take, remember that summer school does  not have to be taken at your base school. Summer courses can be taken at local community colleges. Before you take a class at a community college, make sure that your credit from that college will transfer over to your base school. If not, you’ve wasted your time and money. Most general education courses can be taken at a local community college. The one good thing about taking a course at a community college is the cost. As a student, you will save more than 50 percent taking courses at a community college, and as college students, we know that every dollar counts. If the class you plan on taking is not being offered at your local community college, then you will have to take it at your base school.

Summer school is not so bad after all. Yes, it may take away from some vacation time, but it does pay off in the long run. So if you have never thought of taking a summer course or two, you should probably look into it, and always remember to meet with your advisor at least three times in a school year to make sure you are on track and to avoid any surprises.

Chelsea is a Her Campus alumnae and the Cofounder and former President and Editor-In-Chief of Virginia Commonwealth University's Her Campus chapter. Chelsea has diverse professional experience thanks to her many internships in college. Her experience includes working in the research department at Viacom's MTV, assisting the CEO of a boutique jewelry brand in NYC, and working at an English tourist magazine in Japan. Beyond her professional life, Chelsea is inspired by fashion, finance, all things Harry Potter, her dream of working for a company she loves, and her travels. Chelsea turns to Sailor Moon episodes and Harry Potter soundtracks when life gets tough. Also a good amount of shopping, traveling, and making memories with loved ones will maintain her status quo.Connect!LinkedIn Instagram: @chelsskubo