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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

To my future big,

I never thought I would be the one writing this. I never thought, not even in a million years, that I would be a sorority girl –– a term with a variety of connotations, none of which I wanted to be associated with. I never had even the most miniscule notion that I would ever be the one anxiously writing a letter to some girl that I don’t even know yet.

But here I am, me, a sorority girl — and proud of it — writing to you, my future big, and I could not be more ecstatic.

I am already in love with you. I am already impatiently awaiting nights filled with sappy movies and Chinese food. I am already anticipating road trips and concerts, and cliché but adorable, big and little pictures. I am already prepared for late night phone calls and cheesy “Happy Birthday” posts on each other’s Facebook walls. I am already eagerly planning super corny monogrammed big and little t-shirts for us to wear — original, I know, right?

I am already prepared to make our big-little relationship the paragon of boast-worthy big-little relationships — and before this letter teeters the line of cute and obsessed, I want you to know that I never had a big sister, and I went to college before I could ever truly form a meaningful relationship with my own little sister. I never gave her my wisdom, my guidance and my support; maybe because I never had a big sister to get it from.

But I want you, my lovely big, to know that even though I don’t know you quite yet, I treasure your wisdom, and trust you’ll share it with me to make me the sorority woman and adult that I wish to become. I value your guidance and I know you’ll give it to me when I (and I will) make mistakes that feel like the end of the world. I’ll appreciate your support in all of my future endeavors and in return I will love and support you through anything, just as a little sister should.

Dear future big, I want you to know that as your little, you will always have a shoulder to cry on during the days when the rest of the world seems to not be on your side. You’ll always have an extra wardrobe for when the clothes in your own are just too over-worn. You’ll always have an extra fridge to come home to, an extra couch to lie down on and a best friend to count on, any day, every day, without fail.

My dearest big, I cannot wait for your clues, presents and love, but I want you to know that once the glamour is over and the gifts stop coming and when we’re finally pronounced big and little, that will be more special to me than all of the crafts, food and presents. When everything goes back to its routine normality and you’re my big and I’m your little, that’s what I’m looking forward to most.

Dear future big, I may not know you yet, but I want you to know that we ended up together for a reason. so you’re stuck with me and I’m stuck with you. And together we will make this the most undeniably beautiful, dysfunctional, memorable relationship of our lifetime. 

Hannah is a Public Relations graduate from Virginia Commonwealth University with an affinity for blogging, food, culture and learning about the world. She has a serious case of wanderlust and hopes to one day work for a lifestyle and PR firm, as well as publish books and documentaries focusing on leisure and travel. To read more of her work, check out her own personal blog at www.thinkingbrave.com or her personal portfolio at clippings.me/hannahkhan
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!