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How to Workout Despite a Busy Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Schedule your workouts.

Find a time during the week or weekend when you can schedule time for working out. Remember, staying fit is a commitment. Like any other commitment, you don’t want to break it.

Reward yourself. 

After a week of staying on track and eating healthy, go ahead and have a day where you can eat one cheat meal and make a date with Netflix. 

Schedule your workout with your Netflix date.


It may sound weird but it’s a fun way to workout. You can get in all the sweat and watch your favorite show without having to take time away from your busy day. Be sure to stay focused and make it count.

Decide whether you’re an early bird or a night owl.

Knowing when you’ll be the most motivated to exercise can help you find time to break a sweat. Remember to not workout too close to your bedtime, otherwise you’ll find it hard to fall asleep. 

Always have a plan B.

We all know schedules can change quickly and unexpectedly but don’t let this stop you. Have a plan B, whether it is working out early the following day or if it’s to get more cardio in over the weekend. 

Make sure to eat healthy.

Don’t let the fact that you missed a day break the good habits you’ve formed. It’s okay to reward yourself once in a while, but remember that part of getting into shape is what you eat.

Get plenty of sleep.

If you’re well rested you’ll be more likely to have the energy to exercise.

Workout with friends.

It’s difficult to back down from a workout if you do it with a friend. They won’t let fall you back on your word.

Keep at it.

This is really important. Don’t let the little voice in your head saying “I can’t” stop you. It takes time to get into the groove. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results right away. 


Jocelin is a sophomore at Virginia Commonwealth University where she is studying print journalism with a minor in general business. In between classes and work, she enjoys drinking coffee, watching Netflix, and working out. She hopes to one day be the editor-in-chief of a magazine and live in NYC. She is a Pinterest enthusiast and loves DIY projects.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!