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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Being passionate is having, being compelled by, or being ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. The passion one feels for things in life makes life worth living. It gives us the drive to try new things and pursue the passion we feel in life. Being passionate about something doesn’t always have to do with a job, career or hobby. Here are some tips from me to help keep that sort of passion alive. 

There’s a difference between doing work because you have to and doing work because you want to. Being passionate is doing the work you do because you want to do it. The best balance anyone could look for is doing work because you have to and because you want to. You see this when someone has a passion and they do it as their job. With that comes times when you just don’t want to work and that is completely okay. However, making time in your schedule where you can do things just because you want to, can help reach that passion again and remind you why you were passionate about it in the first place. Make time for yourself to do the things you love. 

It’s important to keep in mind why you’re doing this and why you are passionate about it. Keeping a mental checklist to remind yourself why you were once so passionate about things is a good way to keep that passion alive. If you have doubts or you feel discouraged and question if you should be even doing this, think back to the mental checklist and remind yourself why you felt so strongly about the passion. 

Surrounding yourself with other people who are passionate is a great way to feel inspired and keep the passion alive as well. Especially if the people have the same passion that you have, it can remind you how passionate you are about it. The people you surround yourself with should also support you no matter what your passion is and if your passion changes. Pushing you to pursue your passions and reminding you about the passion you have for them. 

It’s okay to question the things you do in life, if we didn’t question our life, there would be no push or drive to try new things. We question every aspect of our lives; passion is the one that feels wrong to question. I think it’s because people have this expectation that since you’re passionate about something, it should be followed through. It should be the thing you want to do for the rest of your life. People are not that simple though. Lives are forever changing and holding on to an expectation to never change you or your passion is not living. Don’t hold on to what you used to be passionate about, changing and questioning is an aspect of life that comes with living. 

There is no one way to stay passionate, sometimes people just lose the passion they once had for something. It’s okay to change what you’re passionate about. Changing is a part of life, with change, comes the change of hobbies, careers and things one is passionate about. Holding onto something that used to be a passion can make one feel drained or bored. Life without change would just be boring, no one would feel passionate enough to try new hobbies or things. 

Brooke Lindberg is a communication journalism major at Virginia Commonwealth University. She loves writing about personal issues and hopes to reach some readers that relate:)