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Dealing with Insecurities and Loving Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Everyone has insecurities…it’s life. No one is perfect.

From my perspective, something isn’t considered an insecurity until a person points it out to you. When you think about it, you didn’t even see this insecurity when you were young. Now people who may not like you or images in the media of the “perfect” body give you a false thought and make you think twice about yourself.  

According to the dictionary, insecurity is defined as an “uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.” 

Insecurities are bad once you let the negative thoughts and comments ruin your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself. Sometimes when you let others’ comments get to you, it makes you question yourself. Everyone goes through this and trust me, I understand what it feels like to doubt who you are and wonder if the people who point out my insecurities were right. 

But there comes a point in time where you can’t let others’ comments dictate your life and happiness. If you have someone who constantly points out the negatives about you and your body, then my advice to you is to cut them off. Negative energy creates a negative mind. Find someone who uplifts you and makes you feel good about yourself even if you have “insecurities.” The way I look at insecurites is this: I can let them define me as a person, or I can accept them and create something positive from it. 

I noticed when I accepted my insecurities, people’s thoughts comments, and opinions about them no longer mattered. I didn’t care about their opinions because I finally accepted my insecurities and realized that they make me who I am as a person.

So to all the negative nancies out there, tell them this…  

Loving and accepting your insecurities doesn’t happen overnight. It took me until my sophomore year in college to finally be comfortable in my own skin. Being bullied in high school about my insecurities really hurt me but it inspired me to find confidence to stick up for myself. Every morning, I would look in the mirror and tell myself that I was beautiful and strong. It was okay to be vunerable sometimes but constanly moping around wouldn’t help me rise to my full potential as a confident person.

So even if you have big feet like me, struggle with weight issues, have a bad hair day, or don’t completely like how your outfit looks, just remember it’s better to be confident through it all because if you’re confident, then no one can break you down. 

Take it from me. You are beautiful and it’s okay to laugh at your insecurities. Look at them as “perfect imperfect insecurities.” Everyone has them, even celebrities.

After watching Andrea’s Choice’s video on YouTube, I created my own video about my insecurities, how I deal with them personally, and no longer letting them STOP or DEFINE me as a person.

They only make me a better as time goes on.

So like I said before, it might take you a day, a couple of months, or even a few years to really appreciate and accept your insecurities. But at the end of the day you can’t change who you are or what you were given. Learn to love yourself for who you are and stay positive because that will make you a better person, inside and out.

Oh yeah, for the people constantly pointing out others flaws and insecurities, don’t worry about them. They have issues that they need to deal with on their own.

The best thing you can do is do you and stay fierce. 

Kiana Vincent is currently a sophomore at VCU, majoring in Social Work but plans on switching her major to Broadcast Journalism in Fall 2015. Kiana loves to model, paint, write, bake cupcakes, and create videos for her Youtube channel. She is also the host of "The Ki Show" on WVCW, the Student Run Radio at VCU. In her spare time you can catch Kiana listening to Jhene Aiko. watching "Empire" or "The Wendy Williams Show". After graduating from college, Kiana plans on becoming a well-known radio personality or television show host. 
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!